Denbigh Town Bench Painting

Tue, Jun 13th 2023 at 11:00 am -

Rotary helping out with Denbigh In Bloom

The painting part

Am 9:00 yb ar fore dydd Mawrth heulog y 13eg o Fehefin daeth criw o wirfoddolwyr  calonnog o Glwb Rotari Dinbych at ei gilydd ar y Stryd Fawr Dinbych i roi cot o baent ar 14 o’r meinciau sydd o amgylch top y dre.

Fel y dywed y dywediad - mae llawer o ddwylo'n gwneud y gwaith yn ysgafn, felly cariwyd y dasg allan mewn dim o amser. Roedd y parti peintio yn cynnwys y Rotariaid Gwynn Parry, Bryn Evans, Gwilym Williams, John Williams, Alwyn Thomas, Nigel Nicoll ac Elfed Morris.

At 9:00 am on a sunny Tuesday morning of the 13th June a party of hearty volunteers from the Rotary Club of Denbigh came together on Denbigh High Street to give the 14 benches around the top of town a coat of paint.

As the saying goes - many hands make light work, so the task was carried out in no time. The painting party consisted of Rotarians Gwynn Parry, Bryn Evans, Gwilym Williams, John Williams, Alwyn Thomas, Nigel Nicoll and Elfed Morris. 

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