Grand Concert

Sat, Feb 18th 2023 at 7:30 pm -

A Grand Concert 18-02-23

Trefnwyd cyngerdd mawreddog gan Glwb Rotary Dinbych yn Neuadd y Dref Dinbych nos Sadwrn 18fed Chwefror er budd elusennau lleol, Wcráin yn ogystal â’r trychineb yn Nhwrci a Syria.

Braf oedd gweld y neuadd bron yn llawn lle cafwyd perfformiadau gwych gan yr holl artistiaid gan gynnwys Cór Dyffryn Clwyd, Cór Meibion Bro Aled, Ceri Haf Roberts, Elis Jones, Sion Eilir Roberts gyda Glyn Owens yn arwain y noson.

Gwnaethpwyd elw o £3,500 ar y noson tuag at yr elusennau pwysig hyn.

DIOLCH YN FAWR IAWN i bawb a gyfrannodd at lwyddiant y noson.

A grand concert was organized by the Rotary Club of Denbigh on Saturday the 18th February at the Denbigh Town Hall in aid of local charities, Ukraine as well as the disaster in Turkey and  Syria.

The hall was almost full where all the artists including Cór Dyffryn Clwyd, Cór Meibion Bro Aled, Ceri Haf Roberts, Elis Jones, Sion Eilir Roberts gave excellent performances with Glyn Owens comparing the evening.

A profit of £3,500 was made on the night towards these important charities.

A BIG thank you to everyone who contributed to the evening’s success .

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