Speaker evening - The Atomic Bomb

Tue, Nov 22nd 2022 at 7:00 pm -

The making of the first Atomic Bomb


Cafwyd sgwrs addysgiadol iawn i aelodau’r clwb nos Fawrth yr 22ain o Dachwedd gan Philip Goodwill ar wneud y bom atomig cyntaf. Eglurodd Philip, gyda chymorth sleidiau, y broses o ddatblygu a chynhyrchu'r ddau fom atomig cyntaf, gyda cod enw "Little Boy" a "Fat Man" a syrthiodd ar Hiroshima a Nagasaki ar Awst 6ed 1945 gydag effaith ddinistriol iawn.

Diolchwn i Philip am ei sgwrs hynod ddiddorol ac i Walter am drefnu’r noson.

A very enlightening talk was given to club members on Tuesday evening the 22nd November by Philip Goodwill on the making of the first atomic bomb. Philip explained, with the aid of slides, the process of  developing and producing the first two atomic bombs, code named "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" which fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August the 6th 1945 with devastating effect.

Our thanks go to Philip for his highly interesting talk and to Walter for arranging the evening.

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