Welcome Fellowship Evening

Wed, Nov 8th 2017 at 6:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Tonight, we'll share a communal meal, then chat about how to implement the recommendations from Ian Riseley, the Rotary International President, on how to do more to help our local community and beyond.

Rotary International President, Ian Riseley, is in post for just one year and he's made some recommendations for every club all over the world.

One of the recommendations is for every club to plant one tree for every  member - he hasn't specified where, but it all has to be done before Earth Day next year. With Rotary members all over the world, this will do marvels - but the club members need to decide what sort o tree, where and when to plant - all the little details.

The fight against polio, with the aim of eradicating it from the whole world, is also a major project. What can Portobello, just a tiny cog in the international machine of Rotary, do to help?

These are the sort of things we'll be discussing  - ways to help our local community and beyond. Anyone reading this - if you want to help and do your bit to help, please come to visit. You'll be very welcome!

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We believe that the best way to improve the wellness of the people is through education and health. Every seed of hope will flourish and make a better world for all.
