Club Project Status Check

Wed, Aug 23rd 2017 at 6:15 pm - 8:30 pm

This is a monthly meeting to catch up with the status of current projects and to discuss projects for the next months.

Every month, the club has a chance to catch up with current projects and assess their success.

It's also a time to check that the club is progressing according to the schedule set at the beginning of July, the beginning of the new Rotary year. Committee members are asked to produce a short report on their progress, to be distributed to club members the weekend before the meeting (so by Sunday 20 August 2017).

All members of the club have the chance to contribute to this  meeting - whether committee members or not.

As usual, the meeting will finish at 8.30pm sharp.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We believe that the best way to improve the wellness of the people is through education and health. Every seed of hope will flourish and make a better world for all.
