Vegan food: delicious and healthy

Wed, Jul 26th 2017 at 6:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Julia Leyden, the CEO of Organically Yours, the Portobello based vegan food company will talk a bit about why it's a good idea to eat vegan food and how to make the best of it.

This is what Julia writes about the creation of her company, Organically Yours:

"I (Julia Leyden) created Organically Yours as a response to a health situation. My daughter had heart surgery and she was put on heart medication that contained steroids. This medication made her gain weight. She wasn't happy about this and began investigating ways to lose weight. Going vegan seemed to fit the bill. In order to support her, I said that I would join her on the diet to help her stay with it. However I like to eat, and at the time, I couldn't find any vegan products that were readily available to pick up and eat. I realised that a lot of the vegetarian products contained either milk or eggs, or both.

This is how it began! I started creating recipes, and adapting traditional recipes to make them suitable. The surprising this was, many of my friends and family who were not vegan, enjoyed the food, and this is how the company was born.

Originally, we concentrated on vegan items, but after polling the public, it became apparent that there was a gap in gluten-free food as well. I began experimenting and was actually quite cynical about how I would be able to make anything at all; let alone build a company without using so many traditional ingredients. However, I continued to experiment, and hit success! Currently, the Organically Yours (OY) muffins are vegan, gluten-free and soya free. However, even better, our products will soon be nut-free as well, as we will be moving to a new premises, which doesn't handle nuts!"

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We believe that the best way to improve the wellness of the people is through education and health. Every seed of hope will flourish and make a better world for all.
