Daniel Defoe's Railway Journey

Thu, Jul 20th 2017 at 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm

Fancy something competely different?
Blackwell's Bookshop and Sandstone Press are delighted to invite you to the launch of Daniel Defoe’s Railway Journey: A Surreal Odyssey Through Modern Britain.

Here's a chance for something a bit different, a bit interesting, a bit fun.

Blackwell's Bookshop and Sandstone Press are delighted to invite you to the launch of Daniel Defoe’s Railway Journey: A Surreal Odyssey Through Modern Britain, the new novel by Edinburgh author Stuart Campbell.

This is what it's about: Join two eccentric pensioners as they travel on every mile of railway track in the UK! Surreal and poignant by turns, we meet people they encounter, and the unwanted adventures that befall them. And then there is the ghost of Daniel Defoe; writer, soldier, businessman and spy who completed his own journey in the 1720s.

Meet in the Caffe Nero if you're early. You'll recognise me early, I'l be wearing green.

Get your free ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/stuart-campbell-daniel-defoes-railway-journey-tickets-35354729949

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