Why I Joined Rotary

Some stories from our members explaining why they joined Rotary

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Emilio Greco

Rotary is a massive organisation. With over 1.2 million members worldwide, it’s the biggest service organization on the planet. If you’re a fan of the planet, that’s just what Rotary wants to preserve. Our members are working on helping save mothers and children, supporting basic education for children, and fighting diseases.

Rotary has no religious or national affiliation.

Rotary efforts have already helped eradicate 99.9 percent of global cases of polio.

In addition to these large-scale, international projects, Rotary clubs are always working to improve their own communities.

Thanks to Rotary I have:

  1. made local connections. During the pandemic, Rotary clubs have stayed connected through virtual meetings, joined conveniently from the safety of your home. You will meet wonderfully diverse people from many walks of life. For many of us, this is the main appeal: local friends, local colleagues, clients and contacts. It’s actually why a group of young professionals in Chicago started Rotary back in 1905.

  2. made a global impact. Bill and Melinda Gates saw the efficiency and effectiveness of Rotary, and have partnered with us to commit $450 million to eradicate polio. Once we crush polio, we’ll move on to other important challenges facing our world.

  3. seen my work pay off locally. Sure, the whole “saving the world” thing is cool, but if you’re wanting to make a difference a little closer to home, don’t worry, Rotary does that.

  4. spent time with the Greatest Generation. Rotary includes members of all ages. Sure, Rotary has a reputation for having a lot of members over the age of 50. But there is also a ton you can learn from the Greatest and Baby Boomer generations. If you’re looking for mentoring, or just great stories, look no further.

  5. got inspired. No matter what your motive is in considering Rotary, you will be inspired by guest speakers or performances, online or otherwise. And virtual meetings make it easier for clubs to line up dynamic speakers from even further away.

Emilio's Testimonial.mp4

Roger Heath

I joined because I wanted to give something back to the local community and because I was repeatedly asked. Once the timing was right, I joined and have never regretted it. Its actually one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. Little did I know what was possible until I found out that Rotary was a worldwide organisation.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

What are the benefits of Membership of Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Liverpool South?


What does the Public Image do at Rotary Liverpool South (previously Liverpool Garston).

Father Christmas and his favourite Elf.

Some images from our Annual Carol Wagon Collections in 2018.


What does the Foundation / International Service Committee do at Liverpool South Rotary Club?


Some stories from our members explaining why they joined Rotary


Social and Sports events that Club Members have enjoyed.


Read up on all of our Club Publications and Newsletters to see what we do at Rotary Liverpool South.


Here are the directions to our meeting venue for when thing return to normal.


What does the Community Service Committee do at Rotary Liverpool South.


What does the Vocational and Youth Committee do at The Rotary Club of Liverpool South?


Newsletter from one of the charities we have helped.


What does Club Administration do and Club Administration Committee details for Rotary Year 2020-21


Club Council Reports can only be accessed by Members through Members Only Pages.


Honorary Membership is awarded on an annual basis to persons who the Club Council deems suitable under Article 6 - Section 7 of the Rotary Club Standard Constitution.


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