Mon, Apr 8th 2019 at 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Club Meeting - This evening we hold our Annual General Meeting


Annual General Meeting of Rotary Liverpool South..

What is it about:

By-law 7       Club Meetings

Clause 1 - Annual General Meeting


a)        Receiving annual reports from the council and committees of the club for the current Rotary year.

b)        Receiving the treasurer’s report and proposed budget and determining the entrance fee for the ensuing Rotary year.

c)        Electing any honorary members.

d)        Electing the ordinary members of the council.

e)        Confirming the appointment of, or selecting, the Chairmen of committees.

f)         Appointing a person or persons to examine the club’s annual accounts.

g)        Electing one representative (and substitute) of the club on the district council, and one additional representative (and substitute) for every 25 or major fraction thereof of its active members.  Should any of the elected representatives be unable to attend a meeting of the district council, the president may appoint further substitute representatives, whose names shall be communicated to the secretary of the district council in writing before the commencement of that meeting.

Club Officers of the Day:

Registration Officers: Ian Maher & Joy McEvoy

Speaker Host/Vote of Thanks: None.

Thought for the Day: Maureen McLaughlin.

Elaine KerrContact Elaine Kerr about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Father Christmas and his favourite Elf.

Some images from our Annual Carol Wagon Collections in 2018.


What does the Foundation / International Service Committee do at Liverpool South Rotary Club?


Some stories from our members explaining why they joined Rotary


Social and Sports events that Club Members have enjoyed.


Read up on all of our Club Publications and Newsletters to see what we do at Rotary Liverpool South.


Here are the directions to our meeting venue for when thing return to normal.


What does the Community Service Committee do at Rotary Liverpool South.


What does the Vocational and Youth Committee do at The Rotary Club of Liverpool South?


Newsletter from one of the charities we have helped.


What does Club Administration do and Club Administration Committee details for Rotary Year 2020-21


What are the benefits of Membership of Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Liverpool South?


What does the Public Image do at Rotary Liverpool South (previously Liverpool Garston).


Club Council Reports can only be accessed by Members through Members Only Pages.


Honorary Membership is awarded on an annual basis to persons who the Club Council deems suitable under Article 6 - Section 7 of the Rotary Club Standard Constitution.


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