Mon, Oct 29th 2018 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Our speaker this evening is Katie Bushell from The Malawai Foster Care Orphange. Guests are especially welcome this evening.


The Malawi Foster Care Orphanage.

Our Future

Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries where many orphaned children live in extreme poverty. For as long as we have sponsorship, we will aim to help as many orphaned children as we have the capacity to manage. The more sponsorship we have, the more children we can support.

In August 2016 we aim to start our fourth foster care home in Area 49 Lilongwe, giving four more orphaned children a chance of a foster care experience. These children will have the opportunity to live with a family, go to school, access healthcare and eat a nutritious diet. These are small basic needs that we often take for granted, but for the children we support, are a dream come true.

Malawi Foster Care is a small grassroots charity, we are all volunteers, and the children are at the centre of everything we do. All of our foster children, foster mothers, sponsors and regular donors are very important to us and being a small charity allows for a very personable experience for everyone involved. We have a a solid foundation and the capacity to grow sustainably and as such we are looking for more sponsors to continue to the work we do


Katie Bushell.

As a primary school teacher in Liverpool, Katie Bushell first visited Malawi in February 2009 on a Teacher’s International Professional Development (TIPD) program with the British Council. She immediately fell in love with the beauty of Malawi and the Malawian people. She returned a year later to spend 4 months working in Chikale Primary School as a teacher. During this visit she met a 13 year old homeless boy called Doud in Liongwe, the capital city. Doud was extremely malnourished, he had a high HIV count and evidently there was no-one to look after him. Extremely concerned for his welfare, with the help of Nina Pulford a lot of time was spent trying to get him into a safe home.

It became apparent that there was a shortage of orphan care. She returned to Malawi in August 2011 with the intention of finding a location for the proposed orphanage, once the fundraising target had been reached. However, during this visit it became apparent that a much simpler, more sustainable and cost-effective solution existed, one that could be implemented immediately – to place children in a foster environment with a local family.

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