Foundation Committee Including International Service

What does the Foundation / International Service Committee do at Liverpool South Rotary Club?

Foundation Including International Service - the fourth Avenue of Service, enables Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty by fostering acquaintance with people of other countries, their cultures, customs, accomplishments, aspirations, and problems, through reading and correspondence and through co-operation in all club activities and projects designed to help people in other lands.

Foundation (including International Service) Chairperson is a member of Club Council and Reports directly to Club Council.

The Foundation (including International Service Chairperson for Rotary Year 2019-20 is Rotarian Ann Wells.

The Foundation (including International Service) Committee has helped people in other lands with projects such as this:

  • 2012. With the help of a District Grant provided computer games and in house entertainment for the Teenage Cancer trust patients who had to remain in hospital for treatment.
  • 2012. With the help of a District Grant provided toys to the children in the Broombush Nursery in Cochabamba in Bolivia. The Nursery provides a sanctuary for children in what is the poorest country in South America. Photographs of the children enjoying their toys are available on our Website.
  • 2013. With the help of a District Grant provided 20 individual small computer work stations and 2 personal computers for The Tea Leaf Vision Centre for Professional development in Sri Lanka. The combination of English and IT skills is crucial to the chances of young people succeeding in Sri Lanka. The Tea Leaf Trust, through its Tea Leaf Vision Centre for Professional development offers a free, full time diploma for 18-24 year olds who are unmarried and unemployed.
  • 2014. With the help of a District Grant provided a large refrigerator and data display to the Broombush Nursery in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The Broombush Nursery supports 100 children throughout the day whilst their parents are at work or in some cases in prison. Bolivia is still physically, economically and politically remote from the rest of South America. The Broombush Nursery allows the staff to keep encouraging the families of children to move forward in their daily lives.
  • 2015. Liverpool Garston Rotary Club, The Rotary Club of Victor Harbor in Australia and clubs within District 1180 with the help of a Rotary Global Grant supplied a mobile X-Ray machine for the new build Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool.
  • 2016 With help of a Rotary District Grant will provide funds for Project Dignity in South Africa aimed at young females to eliminate monthly absenteeism from school.

Liverpool South also has International Links with:

  • The Rotary Club of Eisenach, District 1950, Germany.
  • The Rotary Club of Victor Harbor, South Australia.
  • Northern Cleft Foundation.
  • Rotary Club of Nagpur West, India - Working with the Northern Cleft Foundation.
  • Rotary E-Club of South Africa.

Check out the links on the Website

Foundation Committee Including International Service sub-pages:


more What Rotary Liverpool South is doing to help Project Dignity in South Africa. An update from President Elect Lynn.