Online Club Handover

Thu, Jun 24th 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

For a second time our Club Handover will be held in a Zoom meeting, Pres. Katrina Gibbons will pass the baton to P.E. Charles Keeper who will then induct other Office Bearers and convenors
VoT: S.V.P. Peter McCrossan

After welcoming everyone to the meeting, President Katrina highlighted some aspects of Rotary International’s second Virtual Convention.

The Convention took place 12-16 June 2021 online.  It had originally been planned for Taipei, Taiwan, but had been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Nearly 10,000 people registered for a programme that included more than 20 guest speakers, informational and inspiring breakout sessions, the interactive House of Friendship and a variety of engaging virtual activities and entertainment.

In his opening address, RI President Holger Knaack said that the travel restrictions he had faced during the year due to COVID-19 had actually been an advantage and very rewarding since he could visit Rotary Clubs ‘virtually’ around the world every day.  Despite the challenges of the past year, he also highlighted successes, including the historic announcement that the World Health Organization’s African region had been declared free of the wild poliovirus. He encouraged Rotary to build on that positive news by staying focused on our commitment to ending polio worldwide. Until early May of this year, he said, just two cases of wild poliovirus were reported worldwide. Wild poliovirus is still circulating in only two countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

WHO Director-General Dr.Tedros praised Rotary for keeping its vision of a polio-free world alive despite the pandemic and for doubling its efforts.  He said that Rotary’s investment in public health would inspire future generations to live up to ‘Service Above Self’.     

Handover Lead in:

President Katrina reflected on her presidential year – the highlights and the challenges.  She thanked members for their hard work, thoughtfulness, support and advice which had helped the Club and herself in difficult times.  She said that ‘Service Above Self’ had been very evident and had renewed her faith in Rotary.

The Handover:

The Presidential Chain of Office was put on President Charles and Immediate Past President Katrina received her Past President’s Jewel.

Power-point Presentation:

Session 2021/22 would be President Charles’s second time as Club President.  He had been in the same position 21 years ago in session 2000/01. Callan Dick showed a power-point presentation to mark the occasion, which consisted of pictures and headlines from 2000/01.  Throughout the presentation, records released in2000/01 were played and members had to identify them ...

President Charles’s Address:

Charles said that it was an honour and privilege to become President of the Rotary Club of Motherwell & Wishaw again.  He thanked IPP Katrina for her past year as President of the Club, conducted under really tough circumstances. He hoped that he could keep up the good work done by previous Presidents and maintain the happy and friendly Club that it always had been.  He looked forward to getting back to face to face meetings again and to having some functions.

Junior Vice President:

President Charles put forward a motion to elect Callan Dick as Junior Vice President for session 2021/22.  The members agreed and Callan was congratulated and welcomed into his new role.

Willie Talbot reported that the bonus ball had been another rollover.  The end of June marked the end of another quarter and he would email members to let them know whether they were in credit or debt.  Also included would be information on the start of the numbers’ club for session 2021/22.

Charles KeeperContact Charles Keeper about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw welcome President Katrina in unusual circumstances!!


For a Registration Fee, members of the Club will support cyclists, riding to raise funds for named charities.

Santa and Our Sleigh

On 15th and 22nd December, Santa, and some Rotarian helpers, toured Motherwell, then Wishaw, spreading Christmas Spirit and raising funds for various charities.


Tablets, equipped with dementia friendly apps, are delivered to two nursing homes for the use of their residents

Pres. James with the participants

Golf tournament, for the Douglas Clementson Trophy, participating teams being from our local secondary schools to be held at Colville Park Golf Course

The participating pupils

An annual event for primary schools in the Larkhall area being held for the first time by the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw (previously run by Clyde Valley Rotary Club)


The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are delighted to welcome our newest recruit, David Crichton.


When asked if we could help one of our local primary schools make and build a hut for their garden projects how could we refuse, and what a fantastic day we had doing it.

(Rotary Youth Leadership Award)

As a Club, we sponsor the attendance of at least two young people on this fantastic award scheme

End Polio Now

For more than 30 years, Rotary, and our partners, have been working to End Polio Now. We"™re this close to ending the disease forever. Join us!


The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are delighted to welcome another new member inducted online, David Grieve

Well dedicated to Past President John Chapman

"˜WishWell" 2008 - 2015 What Have We Done?


The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are proud to recognise the outstanding service given by Past President Jim Robertson in his thirty-five years in our Club


The Furniture for Families Project provides furniture and household items to families in need within our service areas - Motherwell, Wishaw, Bellshill and Larkhall.

The finished article

Rising to Pres. Jane's challenge, a sleigh is built for Santa's tours of Motherwell and Wishaw

Jean Murray, our newest member

The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are delighted to welcome our second new member inducted online, Jean Murray.

Picture L-R: F Dickson, N Hamilton, Pres. Jane Allan, A Tweedie, C Graham & O Chambers

Picture L-R: F Dickson, N Hamilton, Pres. Jane Allan, A Tweedie, C Graham & O Chambers


The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are proud to support the Rotary Club of Chelmer Bridge, in the 2019 Rotary Poppy Pin Appeal to raise funds for the Royal British Legion, including Poppy Scotland

Interact Logo

Working with the Head Teacher and staff of Coltness High School, the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw has agreed to sponsor an Interact Club


For the second year, the members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw welcome our new President, Charles Keeper, online!!


The Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw recognises the importance of building and maintaining close links with the youth of today, through the schools and youth organisations in our community
