Principal Officer Ellen Wong, US Consulate General, Edinburgh

Thu, Jun 10th 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Ms Wong will address the members on her role in Scotland and recent events, here and in her country.
VoT: Callan Dick

President Katrina welcomed everyone to the meeting including our speaker for this evening, Ellen Wong, Principal Officer, U.S. Consulate General, based in Edinburgh.

In her piece of interesting Rotary information, Katrina highlighted an article from the RIBI website about “Rotary Social Innovation”.

The headline read “Supporting positive change to the community. Getting people together to make a difference. This is Rotary, but not quite as you know it. This is Rotary Social Innovation”

The group is called Rotary Social Innovation and is based in South East Hampshire. It was formed in January 2018 and has engaged hundreds of new members.  It is different in the sense that it attracts people who want to build sustainable communities.  Social enterprises, charities and businesses are all involved, working together for the benefit of the local community.

Although a new format, fundamentally the concept of Rotary Social Innovation is rooted in the ideal that Rotary was founded upon over a century ago and is building on what the organisation has been doing ever since.

More information and interesting videos can be accessed at:

President Katrina introduced this evening’s speaker, Ellen Wong, the Principal Officer of the U.S. Consulate General in Edinburgh, a role she has held since October 2018.  As Head of the Consulate, Ellen is responsible for all American Citizen Services in Scotland, and promoting the relationship between America and Scotland.

Ellen said that most of her work done in Scotland had been of a “virtual” nature, due to the pandemic.  Events that had taken place virtually included Tartan Day, which is a celebration of the American/Scottish relationship.  Independence Day was also celebrated by video link.  An online discussion had also taken place on U.S. Federalism to try and add a constructive comment to the constitutional debate going on in Scotland.  The Consulate had also ensured that American citizens living in Scotland had been able to vote in the American election last year.  For Thanksgiving, American linked companies and students in Scottish Universities organised and took part a “Turkey Trot” to get people physically active.

Ellen reported that a whole range of virtual trade missions had taken place in the past year between Scottish and American towns and cities.  New partnerships between Scottish and American companies had been formed, cementing the “special relationship” that exists. 

She informed the meeting that, with the election of President Biden, there was a new focus on the trans-Atlantic relationship and in America’s commitment to its partners and allies in dealing with issues like climate change.

Ellen’s three-year term in Scotland was coming to an end and although she had managed to experience different aspects of Scottish life, she hoped to be able to broaden this and enjoy more of the famous Scottish scenery before she left to take up her next post in Berlin.

After a series of questions posed by the members, Callan Dick proposed our Vote of Thanks, complimenting Ellen on her second visit to the Club, under very different circumstances from her first, in October 2019, and for the work she had done to continue the building of business and cultural relationships between America and Scotland.

Willie Talbot reported that the bonus ball had been a rollover.

Secretary Ian reported that approval was sought for the minutes of the Club Assembly that had taken place on 3rd June.  The minutes were subsequently proposed by Allan Scott and seconded by James Gibbons.

Members were reminded to email Tom Sleith if their details had changed from those in the current Club directory.

Treasurer Tom reported that 18 members had paid their half yearly subscription of £55.00.  Members were reminded to pay their subscriptions by Thursday 17th June 2021, to ensure that the database was updated as required.

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