Malcolm Baldwin – The Wrap Up Project

Thu, Feb 4th 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Malcolm will speak on the Wrap Up Project, run by various Rotary Clubs working in partnership with Hands on London, with the aim of providing coats to people, across the UK, who struggle to keep warm during the winter months
VoT: Jean Murray

Club members please log in for more information.

Senior Vice-President Charles welcomed everyone to the meeting, including the speaker for the evening, Malcolm Baldwin, accompanied by Pam. He also welcomed David Grieve who was paying his third visit to the Club.

S.V.P. Charles introduced Malcolm Baldwin, a Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Accrington. His talk was on “The Rotary Wrap Up Project”

Malcolm, along with three other Rotarians, started the “Lancashire Wrap Up Project” in 2018 after discovering and being inspired by a charity called “Hands on London” which came into being in 2010. “Hands on London” collect coats every November from the public and various organisations at certain designated places in London and then distribute them to those in need in Greater London via homeless shelters, refugee centres, organisations supporting the elderly, women’s refuge centres, children’s centres and other charities helping people in crisis.

Malcolm Baldwin contacted “Hands on London” and got permission to copy their model, bringing the “Lancashire Wrap Up Project” into being with the slogan “Warm a heart, give a coat”.  Malcolm highlighted the tremendous growth in the project from year 1 (2018) to year 2 (2019) -  7 local Rotary Clubs involving 52 Rotarian volunteers, distributing 2300 items increasing to 64 Rotary Clubs in various regions in England, involving 400 Rotarian volunteers, distributing 35,000 items.  In a further development, Rotary GB&I are now in partnership with “Hands on London”.

Covid-19 prevented the “Wrap Up Project” running in 2020.  However, all involved are hopeful of restarting in October 2021. Finally, Malcolm outlined the benefits of the “Wrap Up Project” to local communities and to Rotary. 

After a series of questions, Jean Murray proposed the vote of thanks expressing our Members’ gratitude to Malcolm for telling us about such a wonderful project and for the hours of hard work put in by all involved. 

Secretary Ian reported that Callan Dick and he had attended the District Re-districting meeting (via Zoom) on Sunday 31st January.  It had been an interesting meeting with over 100 Rotarians present.  Ian would give a full report at the Council meeting to follow.

In Willie Talbot’s absence, Secretary Ian read the following report:

There was no winner of the bonus ball last Saturday so it will be a two-week rollover this Saturday. I have issued emails to all members for the first 36 weeks of the bonus ball and numbers club. My final email for the 16 weeks till the 31/3/21 will go out at the end of March 2021. There will be two Numbers Club draws next Thursday for January and February.

Contact Peter McCrossan about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

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Picture L-R: F Dickson, N Hamilton, Pres. Jane Allan, A Tweedie, C Graham & O Chambers


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Interact Logo

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Pres. James with the participants

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The participating pupils

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Well dedicated to Past President John Chapman

"˜WishWell" 2008 - 2015 What Have We Done?
