Evening of online chat

Thu, Jan 21st 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join in with an evening of online socialising in various breakout groups. An excellent opportunity to catch up!!
VoT: N/A

President Katrina welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw and gave a particular welcome to David Grieve who was paying the Club a second visit.

President Katrina highlighted an item of Interesting Rotaract Information, reported on the RIBI website, about The Burns Price Foundation, a small charity making a big difference in the lives of young people and their communities. Inspired by Peter and Dee Price, after a lifetime of peace building, it was launched in 2015.

The Foundation promotes good citizenship amongst young people and enables them to contribute positively to their community through local projects. What makes this foundation unique is that the initiative comes from young people aged 11-18, who are able to apply for grants of up to £5,000.

Hundreds of young people have already benefitted from the Foundation. Examples of projects are:

Restorative justice and peace making; supporting issues around mental health and loneliness; tackling homelessness and poverty; combatting gang and knife crime; building community across generations and ethnicities.

A member of the Rotaract e-Club of GB&I, Heidi, was The Burns Price Foundation’s first award recipient. After volunteering in this country and abroad, Heidi has gone on to study for a degree in International Development at the University of Sussex. She was the Foundation’s first young ambassador and today she serves as a trustee.

Tablets with dementia friendly software: President Katrina reported that she hoped to have the delivery to the nursing homes and community groups organised by the end of January.

Avondale Nursing Home and Huttonlee Nursing Home will receive two tablets each. The Community Centres (Stonehouse Jubilee Club and Dementia Resource Centre, Motherwell) will receive one tablet each, and this would leave three tablets still to be allocated.  Members were asked to contact President Katrina with the names of any other dementia groups that would benefit from receiving these tablets.

Secretary Ian reminded Council members, who had not already done so, to contact him regarding their availability for the next Council meeting – 4th and/or 11th February.

Treasurer Tom reported that, so far, the amount deposited into the Charities account, in lieu of sending Christmas cards, stood at £280 with another £40 pledged. As previously agreed, the total amount deposited would be donated to the Les Hoey Dream Maker Foundation. There would be no rush to make the donation since, in the current climate, the Foundation was unable to take young folk anywhere.

As this point our Social Evening started, the members being split into three separate groups for chat and catch-up, the groups rotating at intervals. Callan Dick was thanked for his technical expertise in facilitating this.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are delighted to welcome our newest recruit, David Crichton.


When asked if we could help one of our local primary schools make and build a hut for their garden projects how could we refuse, and what a fantastic day we had doing it.

(Rotary Youth Leadership Award)

As a Club, we sponsor the attendance of at least two young people on this fantastic award scheme

End Polio Now

For more than 30 years, Rotary, and our partners, have been working to End Polio Now. We"™re this close to ending the disease forever. Join us!


The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are delighted to welcome another new member inducted online, David Grieve

Well dedicated to Past President John Chapman

"˜WishWell" 2008 - 2015 What Have We Done?


The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are proud to recognise the outstanding service given by Past President Jim Robertson in his thirty-five years in our Club


The Furniture for Families Project provides furniture and household items to families in need within our service areas - Motherwell, Wishaw, Bellshill and Larkhall.

The finished article

Rising to Pres. Jane's challenge, a sleigh is built for Santa's tours of Motherwell and Wishaw

Jean Murray, our newest member

The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are delighted to welcome our second new member inducted online, Jean Murray.

Picture L-R: F Dickson, N Hamilton, Pres. Jane Allan, A Tweedie, C Graham & O Chambers

Picture L-R: F Dickson, N Hamilton, Pres. Jane Allan, A Tweedie, C Graham & O Chambers


The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw are proud to support the Rotary Club of Chelmer Bridge, in the 2019 Rotary Poppy Pin Appeal to raise funds for the Royal British Legion, including Poppy Scotland

Interact Logo

Working with the Head Teacher and staff of Coltness High School, the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw has agreed to sponsor an Interact Club


For the second year, the members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw welcome our new President, Charles Keeper, online!!


The Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw recognises the importance of building and maintaining close links with the youth of today, through the schools and youth organisations in our community


The members of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw welcome President Katrina in unusual circumstances!!


For a Registration Fee, members of the Club will support cyclists, riding to raise funds for named charities.

Santa and Our Sleigh

On 15th and 22nd December, Santa, and some Rotarian helpers, toured Motherwell, then Wishaw, spreading Christmas Spirit and raising funds for various charities.


Tablets, equipped with dementia friendly apps, are delivered to two nursing homes for the use of their residents

Pres. James with the participants

Golf tournament, for the Douglas Clementson Trophy, participating teams being from our local secondary schools to be held at Colville Park Golf Course

The participating pupils

An annual event for primary schools in the Larkhall area being held for the first time by the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw (previously run by Clyde Valley Rotary Club)
