Club Talk by Jane Allan to be held online over Zoom

Thu, Apr 9th 2020 at 8:05 pm - 9:15 pm

As Covid-19 means we cannot meet together, Jane Allan will give a short Club Talk, followed by some online chat, over Zoom
VoT: Ian Carrol

President Andrew Murray welcomed 22 members to tonight’s "virtual" meeting of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw via Zoom.

In what is a first for our Rotary Club, President Andrew conducted the induction of our new member, David Crichton, into the Club.

David, who is married with three grown up children, comes from Wishaw and attended Garrion Academy. He was an electronic engineer before he established his own IFA Practice which he sold, in 2015, before taking up his current position, a Management Consultant. For his sins, he is a life-long supporter of, both, Motherwell FC and Glasgow Warriors Rugby Club.

In his acceptance speech, David said he was very impressed with the warmth of welcome he had received and he looked forward to becoming fully involved in all the good work that Rotary undertakes.

Our “virtual” speaker was Past President Jane Allan and her subject was very topical given the current Covid-19 crisis. With the new NHS Louisa Jordan being opened within the SEC in Glasgow, Jane spoke on “who was Louisa Jordan”.

Jane told us that Louisa Jordan was born in Glasgow in July 1878, the daughter of a paint mixer. In 1901, she was employed as a mantle maker, but, she began her nursing career in Quarrier's Homes, a Bridge of Weir sanatorium, before moving to Shotts Fever Hospital. After going to work in Manchester, Louisa returned to Scotland and eventually she settled in Buckhaven, where she was a district nurse.

In December 1914, she enlisted with the Scottish Women's Hospital for Foreign Service in WW1, joining the 1st Serbian unit and on arrival at Salonica the unit was deployed to Kragujevac, treating war wounded soldiers at the Scottish Women's Hospital.

During the Serbian epidemic of typhus in early 1915, she was placed in charge of the new typhus ward. She volunteered to treat her friend, Dr. Elizabeth Ross who was dying of typhus, and, sadly, became infected herself, and both died of the disease in March 1915. Louisa, who was only 36, was buried at the Chela Kula Military Cemetery in Niš, and she is remembered annually in Serbia along with other nurses who served during the 1915 typhus epidemic. In Scotland, she is commemorated at the Buckhaven War Memorial and at Wilton Church in Glasgow.

After a number of questions and comments, the vote of thanks was proposed by Ian Carrol.

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Picture L-R: F Dickson, N Hamilton, Pres. Jane Allan, A Tweedie, C Graham & O Chambers

Picture L-R: F Dickson, N Hamilton, Pres. Jane Allan, A Tweedie, C Graham & O Chambers


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