Successful Coffee Morning!

A big "thank you" goes to all who came to the Old and Abbey Church Hall last Saturday to support our Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Charitable Causes raising around £1800 ..a brilliant result! All visitors were greeted by...a plethora of pirates??



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Arbroath Rotary club presented a cheque for £1500 to the Fun Food and Friendship Group after receiving a generous donation from the Rotary Club of Potomac-Bethesda of Maryland, USA


A big "thank you" goes to all who came to the Old and Abbey Church Hall last Saturday to support our Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Charitable Causes raising around £1800 ..a brilliant result! All visitors were greeted by...a plethora of pirates??


The Rotary Club of Potomac-Bethesda in Maryland, USA made a generous donation to the Rotary Club of Arbroath who then presented a cheque for £500 to the Mum And Me group in the town.


This group was presented with a cheque for £500 to enhance patient comfort throughout the hospital. The Rotary Club of Potomac-Bethesda in Maryland, USA presented Arbroath with this money in a very generous gesture of Rotary Co-operation.

Finding Kemback ....the headline act at the Folk Night

Arbroath Rotary Club's Folk Night was a tremendous success with over £1600 being raised to support local charities. Pictures supplied by Club Member Ian Lamb


Rotarians helped out Beth Greig with specialist swimming kit by awarding her £500. This was part of the grant received from The Rotary Club of Potomac-Bethesda in Maryland, USA as a very generous gesture of Rotary International co-operation.

Pictured are the winning team with their trophy, their teacher and Dale Hatton, Rotary quizmaster.

Ladyloan today (13th March 2024) again won the local Rotary Primary School Quiz
