Unpaid Carers - Rotary in Scotland

Rotary in Scotland - working to help a hidden need in all our communities.

In the last 18-months, Rotary in Scotland, in collaboration with the 7 National Carers Organisations in Scotland has brought together a series of briefings and case studies to highlight the issues affecting unpaid carers of all ages. We have helped raise awareness of unpaid carers, highlight their needs to others and signpost those undiscovered carers. We also wished to highlight the work that Rotary clubs in Scotland are already doing to help carers


Here are the links to each briefing to date on You-Tube. Please use them at Clubs meeting and help out by sharing social media posts from local and national care organisation.


Do you have someone in your Club or family that has a Caring Role?

Did you know it can take up to two years for people to realise that they are unpaid Carers?

Your local Carers Centre may be able to help. Please share the link to those that may need it, or indeed could you and your club help your local carers centre?

The link to find a Carers Centre near you is: https://www.careinfoscotland.scot/topics/support-for-carers/carer-centres/

Our next zoom session on the multi-faceted aspect of caring and minority groups is on Wed 31st May 2023 at 7pm. Please join us :- https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuce2trjwrH9PzI2ccr1zf0mNqPcqoeHE4#/registration

For more information, please contact

Jo Pawley on jo.pawley@talktalk.net
David Fryer on dfftorry@gmail.com

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club's team of Gardeners were in action again at Fisheracre.....and enjoyed a coffee and warm fellowship afterwards


Rotarians helped out Beth Greig with specialist swimming kit by awarding her £500. This was part of the grant received from The Rotary Club of Potomac-Bethesda in Maryland, USA as a very generous gesture of Rotary International co-operation.

Finding Kemback ....the headline act at the Folk Night

Arbroath Rotary Club's Folk Night was a tremendous success with over £1600 being raised to support local charities. Pictures supplied by Club Member Ian Lamb


Outgoing President Danny Gentles handed over the Ceremonial Chain of Office to Max Wallace at the start of the new Rotary Year. Max said "I am looking forward to taking forward the new Club activities, especially the community focused projects."


Arbroath Rotary club presented a cheque for £1500 to the Fun Food and Friendship Group after receiving a generous donation from the Rotary Club of Potomac-Bethesda of Maryland, USA


This group was presented with a cheque for £500 to enhance patient comfort throughout the hospital. The Rotary Club of Potomac-Bethesda in Maryland, USA presented Arbroath with this money in a very generous gesture of Rotary Co-operation.


A big "thank you" goes to all who came to the Old and Abbey Church Hall last Saturday to support our Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Charitable Causes raising around £1800 ..a brilliant result! All visitors were greeted by...a plethora of pirates??
