The Club Team 2022-2023


 Mo Thorburn   
Rtn. Mo Thorburn

Secretary (1st Jul 2022 - 5th Oct 2022)

 Roddy Duncan  MPHF  
Rtn. Roddy Duncan

Secretary (6th Oct 2022 - 30th Jun 2023)

 Mo Thorburn   
Rtn. Mo Thorburn

Secretary (6th Oct 2022 - 30th Jun 2023)

 Mo Thorburn   


 Susan Milne  PHF  
Rtn. Susan Milne

President Elect

 Jamie Grant   

President Nominee

 Steve Wright   

Rotary Foundation (8th Aug 2022 - 30th Jun 2023)

 Charlotte Duncan  MPHF  

Youth Service

 Steve Wright   


 David Fraser  PHF  
Rtn. David Fraser

Service Projects

 Henrik Andersen   

Health and Safety

 David Fraser  PHF  
Rtn. David Fraser

Club Treasurer

 Susan Milne  PHF  
Rtn. Susan Milne

Executive Secretary

 David Fraser  PHF  
Rtn. David Fraser

Youth Service

 Charlotte Duncan  MPHF  

Club Programme

 Graham Leith   
Rtn. Graham Leith