The Club Team 2022-2023


 Rodney Curtis   
Rtn. Rodney Curtis


 Philip Freeman  PHF  
Rtn. Philip Freeman

Treasurer (1st Jan 2023 - 30th Jun 2023)

 Martin Hall   
Rtn. Martin Hall

Treasurer (1st Jul 2022 - 28th Dec 2022)

 Tony Pickering   
Rtn. Tony Pickering

Immediate Past President

 Martin Hall   
Rtn. Martin Hall

President Elect

 Kevin Widdick   
Rtn. Kevin Widdick

Public Image

 Richard Tingey   
Rtn. Richard Tingey


 Guy Wiltshear   
Rtn. Guy Wiltshear

Rotary Foundation (29th Dec 2022 - 30th Jun 2023)

 Steve Munns  MPHF  
Rtn. Steve Munns

Rotary Foundation (29th Dec 2022 - 1st Jan 2023)

 Peter Andrews  PHF  
Rtn. Peter Andrews

Rotary Foundation (1st Jul 2022 - 28th Dec 2022)

 Tony Pickering   
Rtn. Tony Pickering

Rotary Foundation (2nd Jan 2023 - 30th Jun 2023)

 Steve Munns  MPHF  
Rtn. Steve Munns


 Shirley Miller   


 Rod Brown   
Rtn. Rod Brown


 Margaret Woollam   
Rtn. Margaret Woollam

Assistant Secretary

 Rod Brown   
Rtn. Rod Brown

Primary Webmaster

 Kevin Widdick   
Rtn. Kevin Widdick

Smoke Alarm Project

 Peter Andrews  PHF  
Rtn. Peter Andrews

Corporate and RYLA

 Rodney Curtis   
Rtn. Rodney Curtis

Executive Secretary

 Philip Freeman  PHF  
Rtn. Philip Freeman

Club Public Image Chair

 Richard Tingey   
Rtn. Richard Tingey


 Guy Wiltshear   
Rtn. Guy Wiltshear

Programme & Social

 Tim Evans  PHF  
Rtn. Tim Evans

Assistant District Governor

 Peter Andrews  PHF  
Rtn. Peter Andrews