Welcome to Carnforth Rotary

Featured pages

Carnforth Swimming Pool, Then and Now

Carnforth Swimming Pool, Then and Now

John Blowes

Helping International Rotary

Helping International Rotary

New Zealand

Carnforth Cricket Club

Carnforth Cricket Club

Rev. Stephen Jones

Choir Competition

Choir Competition

Carnforth Area Junior Choirs

The Life of J S Bach

The Life of J S Bach

Ken McGrath

Dragon Boat Racing

Dragon Boat Racing

David Oates


About us

Carnforth rotarians are a friendly bunch who are extremely active in the local comunities. We work closely with Carnforth Town Council and other organisations offering support to those of all ages. We thank Tesco and Booths supermarkets for their continuing support in a number of our projects.

Come and join us for fun, friendship and to make a difference in your community.


Carnforth is a market town in Lancashire, close to the Cumbria/Lancashire border which grew in the 19th century through the presence of the railway and ironworks and is famous for the railway scene in Brief Encounter.

Due to the closeness of the coast and the hills, it is a popular base for walkers and cyclists exploring the area. The River Keer, the West Coast Main Line (WCML), the A6 and the Lancaster Canal pass through the town. The M6 motorwapasses just to the east, linked to Carnforth by the A6070.

Please scroll/swipe down through this page to find out more about us, in addition to using the pages linked in the menu, top-left.

The Boundary Stones welcome everyone to Carnforth



We have 5 Rotakids clubs in local schools. These meet on a regular basis and work extremely hard, doing good in the community and raising funds for both local and International causes. We hold an anuual Rotakids Conference.

We have regular Weeding and Litter Picking days

Our members were joined by Chris and Alex Smith who helped to weed the Town Centre.


We are twinned with Altena Rotary


Our club has had a twinning relationship with Rotary Club of Altena in the Netherlands since the 1980's. We were very pleased to welcome two of their members, Jelle and Freek to our meeting on the 30th March. During the time of the Covid lockdown we had a joint fund-raising - virtual journey from Carnforth to Altena and return. Mapping progress and recording donations for the total miles / kilometres raised a significant amount of sponsorship money. The sponsorship obtained by the members of each club raised funds for their future charitable projects.
Jelle, Freek and some of the Carnforth members had discussions on how to further engage in joint future projects, particularly involving young people.
Jelle and Freek presented a painting that Jaap Harman, an artist who is a member of RC Altena had created showing the links between the two clubs.

We look forward to some very interesting projects taking place.



Our Social Media

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 18:45 for 19:15

(EVERY THURSDAY ) The Royal Station Hotel
Market Street
LA5 9BT   Tel 01524 733636
W3W:  //////offhand.horn.purse

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values