About us

The purpose of this website is to inform you about our club and of course Rotary in general.

Whether you are a visiting Rotarian, a club member or an inquisitive member of the public you are welcome to browse around to see who we are and what we do. 

Rotary is far from being a secret organisation and the pictures and profiles you may find within will help to show that we are real people, trying our hardest to do a bit of good, locally, nationally and internationally.

The fact you are reading this page suggests you are interested in learning more about Rotary and hopefully the Helston Club in particular. 

All of us joined Rotary in order to put something back into the community through Rotary's tremendous charitable works. We hope that by browsing through our website you will get some idea of what being a Rotarian is all about.

Rotary has many thousands of Clubs throughout the world, if you become a Rotarian in Helston you will then be able to visit any other club anywhere in the world and wherever you go you will receive a warm welcome and the fellowship that only Rotary can provide. This is most noticeable with the friendly rapport we have with the members of our twinned club in France, the Rotary Club of Lannion, many of whom have become close family friends.

Why not join us one evening and see what it's all about? We welcome men and women of all ages, particularly those from the local community. 

Throughout the year we participate in many activities, generally with a charitable slant but also, sports, food and drink events, the theatre, general socialising - you name it we do it. Take a look at our Facebook page 'Helston Rotary Club."

Please contact our Club Secretary lindadunford18@gmail.com to arrange a visit on club nights which are Thursday at Queens Arms, Breage at 6 for 6.30pm - see you there...

So why join Helston Rotary Club?

The Rotary Club of Helston received its Charter from Rotary International in 1957 and at that time had 28 founder members. Since then, the Club membership has risen to around 40 with new members joining from time to time. 

The Club is also involved with the larger area of Rotary District 1175, which comprises all the clubs in Devon and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, along with the cities of Plymouth, Truro and Exeter plus the towns and hamlets nestling on the western edge of the granite uplands of Dartmoor - all fall within the Rotary district.

District 1175 holds periodic District Council Meetings, an annual District Assembly, and an annual conference, usually at a seaside resort. All members can attend District meetings and the conference. Our Club is also a constituent of Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland; which has a Secretariat at Offices based in Alcester, Warwickshire.

RIBI operates under its own Rules and Constitution, though under the overriding umbrella of Rotary International (RI) based in Evanston, Chicago USA.

We enjoy our Rotary and do our utmost to create an atmosphere of fun at all our meetings, which are usually filled with banter, humour and lots of good fellowship. The latter is one of the key ingredients in Rotary and is essential in making what we do enjoyable. 

Our regular weekly meetings are held on Thursdays at 6 for 6-30pm in the comfortable surroundings of the Wheal Dream Restaurant, where we enjoy a meal together and often listen to an invited speaker. 

Other events take place at regular intervals throughout the Rotary year. There is a mixture of social events, activities aimed at fund raising or using our manpower and talents to help the local community.

Whatever the event, we aim to enjoy ourselves and in many activities, we are joined by our partners.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Why do we want new members?

Every organisation requires new blood and whilst the Rotary Club of Helston has a stable membership, inevitably, members are lost because people move jobs, fall off the planet, or experience pressures of business etc.

   Who is able to join Rotary?

We would particularly welcome new young members who are keen to use their time and talents for the benefit of the local and international communities. There is no age requirement for membership of Rotary but young blood brings with it enthusiasm, new ideas and perhaps a more modern approach to some of our activities.

Membership of Rotary is by invitation only and potential members should be aware of the following criteria:

  •   Be of good character and ethical business, professional, and employment reputation..
  •   Hold a position of  responsibility within a recognised business or profession

  •  Have a place of business/employment or residence in or near to Helston.                                           

An invitation to be a Rotarian is not dependent on whether your pockets are deep enough,or if you have the right politics or social graces. Rotarians come in both sexes, all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life, and, since politics and religion have no part in Rotary, a Club embraces the full range of opinions and beliefs. The Rotary Club of Helston is no exception.

The majority of our members are drawn from those in professional, executive or managerial positions, self-employed businesspersons and shopkeepers. We have our fair share of retired members and one or two who might be described as mild eccentrics, perhaps.

We do however; base our opinion of suitability for membership on three points:

Firstly, we explain that Rotary, like any worthwhile activity, is not particularly cheap.

The annual subscription, which includes a substantial percentage sent direct to our District to R.I.B.I. (Rotary International Britain and Ireland) and Rotary International. There are other expenses such as a weekly meal, social activities, President's nights etc. All these activities areexplained to prospective members at an 'information meeting'. However, taken overall, Rotary is probably no more expensive than playing golf or squash on a weekly basis and whether the expense is justified can only be a personal decision.

Secondly, will you share in our fellowship?

Fellowship is as important a part of Rotary as taking part in running of the Club and supporting social activities. Our Rotary Club is not a 'dining club' or a 'business club' where that is all that is involved. Non-members often think that we spend our time discussing business affairs and doing deals with other members. In fact, little or no business advantage is to be gained from Rotary,other than the knowledge that a person wearing the Rotary badge is a good guide to the standard of business ethics that can be expected. A member is expected to achieve an attendance at 50% of the appointed meetings, which can be made up by attendances at other Clubs.

Thirdly, do you want to help the community? 

Just as it is not a 'dining club', Rotary is not a social club whose members provide charity from their own pockets. We do not like the phrase 'cheque-book Rotary'. For our members, Community Service means giving time and getting involved. This may mean helping out at the Carol Singing, painting a wall in preparation for Flora Day, helping with a food bank collection, taking part in a beach clean or organising one of the many events that raise money, or helping directly in the community in various ways. 

It is members' time that matters. If you are interested in putting something back into society, feel the need to help others when they struggle to help themselves and want to be part of an impressive international organisation of over 1.2 million members in just about every country that you can think of, then Rotary is for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

  If you think you would like to know more about Rotary - what do you do now?

If you know one of our Members, and express an interest, they will suggest that you come to a few meetings, and find out more for yourself. If you do not know one of our Members, but think that you would share our ideals and attitudes to Community Service, and would like to find out more, please contact our Secretary or President. If you agree that a visit would be appropriate, they will arrange for a member to 'look after' you with a view to prospective membership.

However you arrange to visit us, you will be made welcome.

Mick Timpson is our current membership Committee Chairman and he can be contacted by email micktimpson@yahoo.co.uk

    It's as easy as that!

 After a few meetings, an information meeting would be convened (usually after a regular club meeting) where a few of the members will talk to you to and explain about the duties and responsibilities involved, and answer your questions. If this goes well, your details are circulated to all of the members in the club, objections can be raised, but have to be justified, and would be discussed by the Club Council. Prospective members are then inducted formally, and welcome into the worldwide family of 1,200,000 Rotarians. Don't worry, there are no secret ceremonies, the induction is merely a formal welcome!

There is so much more that we could do with your help.

Still interested? View our contacts page, or speak to any of our members.

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 1800 FOR 1830

( 5th Thursday contact Secretary, no meetings during August) Queens Arms
Sethnoe Road
TR13 9DP  01326 564229
W3W:  ///satin.camp.renew

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values