Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Mon 10th June 2024 Fundraiser for Mumbles Crew RNLI

Friends, family and other guests invited to a Dinner aiming to be ahead of the Pirates Day fun for local Primary Schools on 5th July when they aim to raise money for the RNLI 200 campaign. It's Rotary so there will be a Raffle.

Mon 8th April 2024 Visit by District Governor Mary Adams & install new members

Face to Face at our excellent Home base, Norton House Hotel. We aim to formally install four new members with the help of DG Mary, her husband Huw and Asst Governor Ian Hughes. A special evening.

Mon 25th March 2024 Face to Face

We meet at Norton House Hotel looking to the next part of the Rotary Year and reviewing progress with our involvement in RNLI 200 and the Pirates Day in seven Mumbles Primary Schools on 5th July.

Mon 12th February 2024 Face to Face

Review our progress in 2024. Planning matters for RNLI 200th Anniversary.

Mon 5th February 2024 Zoom meeting

Continue Planning for the remainder of this Rotary Year

Mon 22nd January 2024 Face to Face

Reports on last week'sSwansea Rotary Partnership (SRP) Zoom meeting. Follow up on contact with RNLI re 200th Anninversary.

Mon 8th January 2024 Face to Face

Our first meeting of the 2024 Calendar Year when we look ahead with some planning in mind. We give a special welcome "on board" to Rtn Dr Mair Williams PHF on transfer from Swansea Club.

Mon 10th July 2023 Face to Face - Sparkling Lunch Planning

First face to face meeting of the new Rotary Year at our home base Norton House Hotel. Continue with fine tuning of the Sparkling Lunch plans for Sunday 13th August at Langland Bay Golf Club.

Mon 3rd July 2023 Zoom

First meeting of the new Rotary Year by Zoom.
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