Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Craftwork from Zambia

Thu 27th June 2024 Linden Warburton: Sukie Barber - Opportunities Zambia

Weekly meeting with guest speaker
Ron Smith welcomes Iain Smith as the new President of Hawick Rotary

Thu 20th June 2024 Club Assembly & Handover

Team leaders lay out their plans for next Rotary year, and then outgoing President hands over leadership of the Club to their successor read more...

Thu 13th June 2024 Team Discussions

Members consider their team's plans for next Rotary year

Thu 23rd May 2024 Annual General Meeting

Members consider the year gone by.

Thu 16th May 2024 Scott Elliot: Cruising

Our own member Scott Elliot speaks of his cruising history read more...

Thu 9th May 2024 Visit to Langholm Rotary Club

Hawick Rotarians travel to visit 'daughter club' at Langholm. Meet at Common Haugh 5.20 pm. read more...

Thu 2nd May 2024 Judy Tyler - Roman Mediterranean

Local member Judy talks of her visits to Roman sites around the Mediterranean Sea read more...

Thu 25th April 2024 Ron Smith - Cars

Nostalgia over members' cars!

Thu 18th April 2024 Business Meeting

Members meet to discuss current projects

Thu 11th April 2024 Name that Tune: a musical quiz

Andy & Sandy have created a musical quiz for the entertainment of members read more...

Thu 4th April 2024 Visit to Cavers

Visit to home of our own member for a meal with fundraising opportunity read more...

Thu 28th March 2024 No meeting

No meeting this week

Thu 21st March 2024 Business Meeting

Club members discuss their plans for upcoming events

Thu 14th March 2024 Club visit to Hawick Amateur Operatic Society's production of 'Our House'

Club members have a block booking at Hawick Town Hall read more...

Thu 7th March 2024 Iain Smith: Borders in Recovery

Club vice-president Iain talks of his role in 'Recovery in the Borders'
Certificates and gift vouchers were presented to the winners

Thu 7th March 2024 Young Photographer awards

Presentation to winners of Young Photographer competition

Thu 29th February 2024 Jane Cox: Susie Finlayson - The Great Tapestry of Scotland

Jane's guest speaker tells us the story of The Great Tapestry of Scotland read more...

Thu 22nd February 2024 George Hogg- Quiz time

A fun quiz!

Thu 15th February 2024 Business Meeting

Club members discuss current business

Thu 8th February 2024 Team Discussions

Members discuss items of current interest

Thu 1st February 2024 Sandy Bannerman: John & Mhairi Lafferty - The New District 1320

District Secretary John Lafferty visits to talk of the setting up of the new District 1320 read more...

Thu 25th January 2024 Bite and a blether!

Owing to the absence of several members at other events, this week will be a social occasion for banter and blether. read more...

Thu 18th January 2024 Tommy Mulvee - An Auditory Treat

Local member Tommy Mulvee prepares for his World Tour! read more...

Thu 11th January 2024 Andy Tyler - Pictorial Problems

Secretary Andy sets some posers.
The judges!!

Mon 18th December 2023 Young Chef 2023

Local heat of Rotary Young Chef at Hawick High School read more...

Thu 14th December 2023 Christmas evening

The Club's annual Christmas celebration

Thu 7th December 2023 Judy Tyler: Andy's Man Club

Guest speaker will tell us of Andy's man's Club which focuses on the mental health of men. read more...

Wed 6th December 2023 Young Artists' Presentations

Presentation of Awards to Hawick High School's Young Artists read more...

Thu 30th November 2023 Business Meeting

Members talk over ongoing projects

Thu 23rd November 2023 Visit of Hawick High School's Head Pupils team

High School's Head Pupils visit to tell us of their role in school and their own ambitions for the future. read more...

Thu 16th November 2023 Visit to Emtelle factory

Members visit the local Emtelle factory to see and hear of its activities read more...

Sun 12th November 2023 Remembrance Day 2023

Past President Gus Neilson laid a wreath at Hawick War Memorial on behalf of Hawick Rotary Club members read more...

Fri 10th November 2023 Annual Charity Quiz

Annual General Knowledge Quiz to raise funds for local charities, at Catholic Church Hall, Buccleuch Street, Hawick. read more...

Thu 9th November 2023 David Oliver: Craig Oliver - Camp America

Known to members through being a part of last year's Hawick High School Head team, Craig spent the summer in the USA working with Camp America. He will speak of the experience. read more...

Thu 2nd November 2023 Gus Neilson: First Hand Recollections of Playing Rugby in the 1920s

Club member Gus looks back . . . . . read more...

Thu 26th October 2023 Visit to Jedburgh Rotary

Visit to our neighbouring Rotary Club
Representatives of Borders Rotary Clubs at SBC Council Headquarters

Tue 24th October 2023 World Polio Day

World Polio Day is recognised in the Borders

Thu 19th October 2023 Shelterbox donation

Hawick Rotarians agree a donation.

Thu 19th October 2023 Team Discussions

Members gather to discuss their plans

Tue 17th October 2023 - Annual Charity Quiz

Annual Quiz, at Catholic Church Hall, Buccleuch St., Hawick
Presidents of Borders Clubs who attended, with Area Governor James Bruce

Fri 13th October 2023 Hawick Rotary's President's Night

The annual special night when the Hawick Club welcomes members and friends from other Rotary Clubs to their formal event at Mansfield Park Clubrooms read more...

Thu 5th October 2023 Visit to Trimontium Museum at Melrose

Visit to the Roman Museum is followed by a meal at Ship Inn in Melrose read more...

Thu 28th September 2023 A small get-together!

A reduced number of Rotarians gather

Thu 21st September 2023 Scott Elliot: Jim Sykes - Dementia Cafe

Guest speaker Jim talks of his work at The Dementia Cafe read more...

Thu 14th September 2023 Ron Smith - Collecting Irish Stamps

Club President Ron describes a hobby.

Thu 7th September 2023 An informal meeting


Thu 31st August 2023 Sandy Bannerman: Callum Scott- Growing Up in Apartheid-Era South Africa

Weekly meeting with guest speaker

Thu 24th August 2023 Team Discussions

International & Foundation and Vocational & Community teams will consider and plan their activities.

Thu 17th August 2023 Visit to E-scape Youth Cafe

Rotary will meet first at Youth Cafe premises in Havelock Street before returning to Mansfield House Hotel for their meal read more...

Thu 10th August 2023 Jim Walker: the Coins in your Pocket

Jim tells us more of his enthusiasm for checking coins! read more...
President Ron presents Champion Scott with his trophy.

Thu 3rd August 2023 Lawn Bowling Championship

The Annual Bowling Competition takes place on Wilton Bowling Green, followed by meal at Adam's Kitchen. read more...
The trophy manufactured by Tony Warburton

Thu 27th July 2023 Petanque Championship

Club's first Petanque competition starts at Denholm Green at 5.15 pm followed by meal in The Auld Cross Keys at 7 pm. read more...
Zoe receives her gift from President Ron

Thu 20th July 2023 Business Meeting

Members discuss items of business and plan the work of their teams read more...
Bobby Cairns receives his Honorary Membership certificate

Thu 13th July 2023 Andy Tyler - Libya

Club Secretary Andy recalls time spent working in Libya read more...

Thu 6th July 2023 Ron Smith: Quiz

New president Ron presents a fun quiz. The novelty? He gives the answers as well! read more...
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