Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Fri 24th May 2024 - Sun 26th May 2024 Conjoint meeting in Remscheid

Details awaited nearer the time!

Tue 20th February 2024 Snooker Evening with Supper chez John Fitt

Meet at Con Club for snooker. John will arrange supper for all booked!

Sat 4th November 2023 - Sun 5th November 2023 Inter-Conjoint meeting in Amiens

Roger and Nigel are arranging this weekend - times and other details TBA

Wed 19th July 2023 Fellowship Meeting

At The Heron

Wed 12th July 2023 Fellowship Meeting

At The Heron

Mon 10th July 2023 Business/Council Meeting

At Punch Tavern

Wed 5th July 2023 Fellowship Meeting

At The Heron
local events