Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Sat 29th June 2024 District Council and Handover

The handover to new District Governor Debbie Dunford

Wed 26th June 2024 Handover Evening

The change of Club Presidency from Chris LeFevre to Maggie Hardy read more...

Wed 19th June 2024 Club Assembly

Setting out plans and agenda for the Rotary year 2024/25 read more...

Wed 12th June 2024 Speaker Meeting: Adrian Whaley

Adrian will be talking about sailing and his own exploits! read more...

Wed 22nd May 2024 Fun Quiz Night

A fun night in support of The Swanage School Robotics Team read more...

Wed 15th May 2024 Business Meeting / AGM

Update on current activities and projects and Annual General Meeting of the group read more...

Wed 8th May 2024 Speaker Meeting: Frank Roberts

Frank will be talking to us about his work with Swanage Army Link. read more...

Wed 17th April 2024 Business Meeting

Discussing the current activities and projects

Wed 10th April 2024 Speaker Meeting: John Patrick

John is a local historian who will talk to us about ‘Byegone shopping in Swanage read more...

Sat 23rd March 2024 District Council

Business and CIO Meeting of the clubs in District 1110 read more...

Wed 20th March 2024 Speaker Meeting: Gary Richardson

Gary will be talking to us about the Swanage Housing Project and his work with the RNLI. read more...

Wed 13th March 2024 Speaker Meeting: Neil Hardy

“My experiences on The Elk during the Falklands war” read more...
Let's celebrate!

Wed 28th February 2024 Celebration Evening

Our annual celebration of the achievements of the year! read more...

Wed 21st February 2024 Business Meeting

Discussing the current activities and projects

Wed 14th February 2024 Valentine's Dinner

A special club night to celebrate the most romantic night of the year! read more...
CIO Logo

Wed 17th January 2024 Special General Meeting

To agree the CIO accounts that have been examined, to elect the CIO and Club officers for the next Rotary year and to confirm Maggie Hardy as President for the Rotary year 2024-25. read more...
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