Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Sat 29th June 2024 TEDDY TOMBOLA at the GALA DAY in PRIORY PARK

We're joining in the fun at the Chichester Gala Day in Priory Park.


Martin, RCCH's next President-Elect, will formally introduce himself to Club members.
M/G - Jean- Marie and Graeme


This year we’re hosting our twin clubs AMU (Netherlands) and Giessen (Germany). Promises to be a busy weekend with a guided walk of Chichester and a guided tour of Arundel Castle included in the packed agenda.

Wed 12th June 2024 Club Assembly / Business Meeting

This is where the incoming and team leaders set our their plans for the forthcoming new Rotary year .
M/G - David J and Neville

Wed 5th June 2024 D DAY Commemoration Breakfast

Martyn Bell will be talking about Chichester's involvement in the lead up to D Day
M/G - Alan and Teresa H

Wed 29th May 2024 Breakfast Meeting

Breakfast this week is at the Boston Tea Party with everyone gathering at 8am

Wed 22nd May 2024 Speaker Meeting with our very own David Warwick

Flings Ain’t What They Usta Be - 40 years in Rotary
M / G - Lucy and Anna

Wed 15th May 2024 Business Meeting

The usual monthly update on what’s happening in the Club
M and G - David H and Ken


The picture tells you, all you need to know about this popular evening .

Wed 8th May 2024 Fellowship Meeting

Time for a good old natter about all and sundry .
M/G Jean and Jonathan

Wed 1st May 2024 Speaker Meeting with Tracey Shaw from the Dame Vera Lynn Childrens’ Charity

Tracey will tells us about the work of this wonderful charity
M/G - Peter F and Janie

Thu 25th April 2024 CHARTER EVENING

Our Club's “birthday” is being celebrated at Restaurant 64 at Chichester College.

Wed 24th April 2024 Speaker Meeting with Graeme Loten

Our latest new member introduces himself to the Club
M/G - Margaret and Peter E


'The World’s Toughest Row' - 3000 miles across the ocean.
This meeting is at the Minerva Brasserie Restaurant
M/G - Malcolm and Annette-Bell

Wed 10th April 2024 CLUB AGM MEETING

The Club AGM combined with our normal monthly business meeting
M/G - Derry and Geoff


Thérèse will share her top musical choices, her favourite book, and a lot more else!

M/G - Glyn and Michael

Wed 27th March 2024 SPEAKER MEETING with TONY DIGNUM

Tony’s talk is entitled 'The Air Aces'.
M/G - Helen and Ruth

Wed 20th March 2024 FELLOWSHIP MEETING at the MINERVA

This Fellowship Meeting will incorporate a discussion on some of the topics arising from the recent Club Members' Survey.

Mon 18th March 2024 MIND Tea Dance

Our Bi Annual Tea Dance in conjunction with MIND coastal

Wed 13th March 2024 BUSINESS MEETING

Another update on the Club's ongoing projects and the induction of our latest new member Mary Turner.


Bob’s talk is entitled 'Sporting Memories'.

Wed 28th February 2024 SPEAKER MEETING with MICHAEL BEVIS

Michael, one of our newer members, will be telling us about his life journey.

Fri 23rd February 2024 - Sun 25th February 2024 CLUB WEEKEND AWAY

Our annual weekend away, this year members and friends are off to the Burnside Hotel in Stratford-upon -Avon.

Wed 21st February 2024 SPEAKER MEETING with GLYN BROWN

Glyn will introduce members to the Club Website with a presentation entitled “Persistence is the key to life”.

Wed 14th February 2024 BUSINESS MEETING

A further update on the current projects being organised by the various teams within the Club.

Wed 7th February 2024 SPEAKER MEETING with BOB MONEY

Bob’s talk is entitled Talking News


A change of venue for one week only , so we can see who we’re raising funds for with our Charity Golf Day on 10 September 2024.

Wed 24th January 2024 SPEAKER MEETING with NICOLA HUSSEY

Today’s talk will be about Managing Waste and Recycling

Wed 17th January 2024 Business Meeting

Team Leaders will be outlining the projects they will be working on in the next 6 months

Wed 10th January 2024 Visit to BIFFA’s Recycling Centre at Ford

A talk about and a tour of the recycling centre at Ford, which hopefully will explain what should go in which bin and why!

Wed 10th January 2024 SPEAKER MEETING with DAN CUTTS

Dan will telling us about The Story of Elmer Honey


Marian will be magically transported to a Desert Island and from there her story will unfold before our very own eyes.... read more...

Wed 27th December 2023 No Meeting

We’re still recovering

Wed 20th December 2023 Christmas Dinner at the Ship Hotel

Harbour members will join those of Priory to enjoy a Xmas Party get together .

Wed 20th December 2023 Fellowship Meeting with a Xmas Twist

No doubt Peter will bring Little Willy along to entertain us .

Sun 17th December 2023 Xmas Drinks with the President

Hosted by the Youth Committee and will take place at Hunters Lodge ,Lavant between 11.30 and 1.30

Wed 13th December 2023 Special General Meeting and Business Meeting

Two meetings for the price of one!! This is where we confirm the election of the Club's leaders for the Rotary year 2024/2025.

Wed 6th December 2023 Speaker Meeting with Jeremy Webb

Our latest new member will formally introduce himself to the Club with a little help from David ‘Parky’ Hilditch

Tue 5th December 2023 Carol Service at St Richard’s Church

Family Christmas Carol Service featuring the Ukrainian choir. “ Volta “ Starts at 4.30 pm . St Richard’s Church Cawley Road, Chichester. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Room.

Wed 29th November 2023 Skittles Evening at The Spur Inn

Skittles Supper evening, all welcome.

Wed 29th November 2023 No Breakfast Meeting

No breakfast meeting this week as we’re playing Skittles in the evening

Tue 28th November 2023 Christmas Collection at the Cross

The first of our collection days - the other days are 6th , 10th , 14th and 23rd December

Sun 26th November 2023 Tesco Collection for Christmas Sacks

We’re be asking the generous customers of Tesco to donate an item from their shopping towards our Xmas sacks

Sat 25th November 2023 Chichester Christmas Tree Lights Switch On

The Big Xmas Tree Switch On, when members will be representing Rotary during the evening.

Sat 25th November 2023 - Christmas Fair

Craft Fair with a dash of Coffee and Cake at the Assembly Rooms.

Wed 22nd November 2023 Speaker Meeting with Tina Shaw-Morton of Woods Travel Limited

Tina will give us a history lesson on this well-respected local company.

Wed 15th November 2023 Business Meeting

Project leaders will give an update re what’s going on in the club.

Wed 8th November 2023 Speaker Meeting with Tony Toynton

Tony will be telling us all about the Chichester Sanctuary and the ways in which it supports refugees and asylum seekers locally

Sun 5th November 2023 Walk and Lunch in aid of End Polio

Meeting at the Gribble Inn , Oving . Short walk across the Aerodrome and back for lunch at approx 12.30 pm

Wed 1st November 2023 Speaker Meeting with Anne van Bochove Allen

Our District Governor will outline her thoughts / plans / vision for the current Rotary year.

Mon 30th October 2023 MIND Tea Dance

Tea Dance and Craft sale in conjunction with MIND to be held at the Avisford Park Hotel

Wed 25th October 2023 RYLA Student Presentations

Oliver , William and Harriet our sponsored students will recount how they fared during RYLA week.

Wed 18th October 2023 Business Meeting

Project update from Team Leaders.

Wed 11th October 2023 Fellowship Meeting

A chance to catch up on the latest gossip

Wed 4th October 2023 Speaker Meeting with Anna and Linda

These young ladies will be recounting their adventures on The Cape Wraith Trail

Fri 29th September 2023 - Thu 1st January 1970 25th Charter Evening

Celebrating our Silver Jubilee

Wed 27th September 2023 Speaker Meeting - The story of Madge Turner

Nichola Court will be recounting the story of Madge Turner - Chichester’s very own Suffragette and Campaigner

Wed 20th September 2023 Speaker Meeting - The Final Straw Project

Bianca Carr established The Final Straw Project as an environmental charity to address pollution in our seas both near and far .Bianca will telling us how the charity has progressed over the 5 years.

Wed 13th September 2023 Business Meeting

Team leaders will provide an update on all of our current projects.

Wed 6th September 2023 Fellowship Meeting

A chance to catch up on the club gossip

Fri 1st September 2023 Macmillan Coffee Morning

Coffee and craft sale at West Avenue , Middleton

Wed 30th August 2023 Adventure Golf and Supper

Putting competition on the Adventure Golf Course at Hunston

Wed 30th August 2023 Fellowship Meeting

Members catch up for a natter

Wed 23rd August 2023 SPEAKER MEETING with Lisa Hoare

Lisa will be telling us all about Sage House

Wed 16th August 2023 Business Meeting

Members will receive an update from all the project team leaders

Wed 9th August 2023 Speaker Meeting - Richard Plowman - Project Second Chance

Ex Mayor and Chichester Rotarian Richard will be telling us about Project Second Chance

Wed 2nd August 2023 Scatter Week

No breakfast meeting this week . Members are encouraged to visit other Clubs to share their love of Rotary and to cause havoc wherever they go.

Wed 26th July 2023 Speaker Meeting - Rotary Foundation

Our small but beautifully presented founder member Tony OSMEND will be telling us all about Rotary Foundation.

Wed 19th July 2023 Business Meeting

Team Leaders will update members re the progress of all our current activities

Wed 12th July 2023 Speaker Meeting - Christian Skelton - Restoring Selsey Pavilion

Christian will outline the plans to restore the Selsey Pavilion

Wed 5th July 2023 Presidential Hand over Meeting

Anna hands over to Mike
calendar local events