Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

President Elect Alicia Ridout, President Janet Appleton and Past President Geoff Bartrum face the future with confidence

Tue 25th June 2024 Club evening meeting 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.

Club handover with President Geoff Bartrum passing on the chain of office to President Elect Janet Appleton and President Nominee Alicia Ridout with an additional surprise. Apologies to read more...
John Kitching Paul Harris Fellow

Tue 18th June 2024 Will the real John Kitching stand up please?

Always kept a surprise President Geoff Bartrum presents a Paul Harris Fellow Award read more...
A happy crowd with music in the background

Thu 13th June 2024 - Sat 15th June 2024 Aireborough Beer Festival: It was great while it lasted!

The 6th Aireborough Beer festival proved a resounding success with all three partners Aireborough Rotary, Guiseley Theatre and Rawdon St Peters Parish Church delighted with the outcome. read more...

Tue 14th May 2024 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Business meeting Apologies or 07772 521417 Reception and grace Barry Bootland

Tue 16th April 2024 Annual General Meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Apologies Alyson Wort 07772 521417 or Reception and grace Sally Mohan

Tue 9th April 2024 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Open Forum Apologies Alyson Wort 07772 521417 or Reception and grace Peter Long

Tue 2nd April 2024 - Board meeting at Horsforth Golf Club: April 10th 2.05 p.m.

Minutes of last meeting, agenda and finance report will have been circulated

Tue 19th March 2024 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Business meeting Apologies and reception and grace the much travelled Alyson Wort
07772 521417

Tue 12th March 2024 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Speaker David Kaye, Chairman of Physionet hosted by Freda Irving Apologies Jan Morley 07593 888727 Reception and grace Graham Davies

Tue 5th March 2024 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Social meeting so no apologies, turn up and order your meal at the bar, eight members at Technology Tournament

Tue 16th January 2024 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Business meeting Cash desk Alyson Wort Reception and grace Brian Waite

Thu 4th January 2024 Thursday evening meeting at Horsforth Golf Club

Review of past events and planning for the future

Tue 2nd January 2024 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

No meeting

Tue 26th December 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

No meeting

Tue 21st November 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Speaker John Moorhouse Apologies to Alyson Wort on 07772 521417 or Reception and grace Brian Hall

Tue 7th November 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Open Forum Apologies to Alyson Wort on 07772 521417 or Reception and grace David Farnell

Tue 17th October 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 till 2.00 p.m.

Special General Meeting - election of Officers for next 3 years Cash desk Alyson Wort Reception and grace Graham Davies

Tue 3rd October 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 till 2.00 p.m.

Joint meeting at Rotary Club of Headingley at Sandmoor Golf Club Meal cost £18 to be paid by BACS into General Account. For car share meet at Horsforth Golf Club 11.40 a.m.

Tue 19th September 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Visit of District Governor David Philipps for joint meeting with Rotary Club of Headingley Cash desk Jan Morley Reception and grace Graham Davies

Tue 5th September 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Open forum Cash desk Alyson Wort Reception and grace Roger Ward

Tue 22nd August 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Speaker Laura Kitching on 'Life after RYLA', vote of thanks John Kitching Apologies and cash desk Alyson Wort reception and grace Bill Kerr

Wed 9th August 2023 Board meeting at Horsforth Golf Club: 9 August 6.00 p.m.

Minutes, agenda and treasurer's report will have been circulated

Tue 8th August 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Speaker Bill Kerr on 'My life in football' Apologies and cash desk Alyson Wort reception and grace Bill Hudson read more...

Thu 3rd August 2023 Thursday meeting 6.00 p.m. at Horsforth Golf Club

What's on the calendar and how do we make it work?

Tue 1st August 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Business meeting Apologies to Graham Davies Cash desk Roger Ward reception and grace Graham Davies

Tue 18th July 2023 Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Business meeting Cash desk Alyson Wort Reception and grace Bill Hudson
calendar district events local events