Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Thu 13th June 2024 - Mon 30th September 2024 Rotary: Helping Protect the Environment

Peter Sherred's litter pick

Thu 13th June 2024 - Mon 30th September 2024 Rotary: Helping Protect the Environment

Peter Sherred's litter pick

Wed 15th May 2024 - Sat 31st August 2024 The Development of Windpower

Rupert Berryman gives a candid account of the development of wind power and its place in the planned supply of electricity for the future. read more...

Wed 24th April 2024 - Wed 31st July 2024 Stories from a Life of Music

Concert organist Charles Spanner entertains Rotary members and friends with stories from his career in music read more...