Christmas Lunch 2023

Club Members and Partners meet together to celebrate the holidays

Christmas Partners’ Lunch

We gathered on December 11 as we have done many times before for our Christmas Partners' Lunch at the Beauvoir Arms in Downham,  A chance for a final social occasion with our partners before the Christmas festivities.

Support, 33 members and guests attended and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.   (Was it because it was an opportunity to hand out Christmas cards to fellow members without spending an arm and a leg on stamps?  Surely Not! - Editor).

Usual pre-lunch mêlée as members handed over and received Christmas cards from other members, and then moved to the bar for an appetiser and to order their drinks for the meal.  Fortunately we were in our new location in the bar and didn’t have to walk the length of the restaurant to do so, as in previous years.

If you missed out, there was still time to order more drinks at the table when lunch was under way.

Missing Members

We missed a few stalwarts due to other commitments.  Rev. Margaret Fowler with Church Commitments, Bert French down in Wales again to recuperate from his cracked pelvis, Ken and Jeannie as she undergoes more treatments, and Mike and Liz away in Harrogate with family, and Carol cried off to avoid sharing her cold.

Fellowship and Fun

Last year we were also at the Beauvoir Arms, but were in the main restaurant so no privacy and distractions from other guests.  This year our bar location gave us privacy and a much more intimate atmosphere.

There were Christmas crackers to pull, and silly hats to wear, and (groan) jokes to swap.  It must be a Christmas meal!

Jokes?  Well how about:
What do reindeer hang on their Christmas Trees?  Horn-aments of course!  and
What athlete is warmest in Winter?  A long jumper of course!

In fact it was just what you’d expect from a Rotary get-together at Christmas.  

President Roger was his usual ebulliant self, leading the occasion and reminding members why we were all there – to say thank you to all our partners for their tolerance, patience and understanding as we go about our Rotary business year in and year out.

Our thanks especially to Brian Wellman who had put so much effort into arranging this special lunch, and all our other events this year, had prepared the table plan and organised the menu choices.  He made sure everyone was having a really good time.

We hope he had the time to enjoy the fruits of his labours and a very enjoyable meal.

Drawn Out

There was a brief interlude to recap on our special Christmas “Virtual” Balloon Race, which now had 29 participants - just for fun over the Christmas Break.  Members were referred to the web links in Peter Greene’s recent email identifying how to watch progress in the race.

Then Patrick Rothon hosted another 100 Club draw.

  • The first winner was drawn by President Roger and this £100 first prize went to Kathryn Burton.
  • Founder member Ben Clarke then drew the next winner for £80 which went to Bill West.
  • 3rd  prize of £60 went to Win Allchorme
  • The next four prizes of went to club members:
  • Fourth Prize of £50 to Keith Wood,
  • Fifth Prize of £40 to Patrick Rothon
  • Sixth Prize of £30 to  Ben Clarke
  • Seventh Prize of £20 to Brian Wellman

What a coincidence that four of these winners (Kathryn, Bill, Win and Ben Clarke himself), all live in Wakefield Avenue!

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Everybody seated

Membership & Social Events

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