STAFCO Concert at Holy Trinity on 29 November

Wed, Nov 29th 2023 at 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Free concert with a raffle and retiring collection for Home Start and The Hub allowing our Club to donate £600 to each charity.

District members please log in for more information.

 The proceeds of the Community Orchestra in St Andrews were recently donated to representatives of Home Start and The Hub Community Centre outside Holy Trinity Church.

St Andrews Rotary helped organise the event and are seen handing over cheques for £600 to each of the charities.

Pictured are Joanne Roddam from Home Start, Stuart Kerr and Grace Morris from The Hub along with the President of St Andrews Rotary, Jean-Marc Murre and Gillian Craig, leader of the Community Orchestra Also pictured are Colin Brown and Hamish Tait from Rotary."

Frank QuinaultContact Frank Quinault about this page:

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