New Club Officers for 2020-21

Virtual Handover of Presidents and Vice-Presidents in the Garden

Something Different Happened In The Garden

It wasn’t the first time the President’s chain has changed hands in a garden (Mike Sinclair to Peter Greene in 2017) but then the sun shone and Members and partners gathered for a lunchtime celebration. Fine wine and great food. This time not the first but surely the oddest?

Trust Peter to be involved again (what a bizzy-buzzy fellow he is!).  Against the background of lockdown different this time; different circumstances and, thanks to self-isolation and a threatening virus, we all had to share it on a wonderful ZOOM Chaplinesque black and white video culminating with the toasts in full colour that IT geek Peter and son-in-law Richard had brilliantly put together. 

The handover left nothing to regret or grieve over; despite our virtual presence only, as ever conducted by a past and present President with due decorum and in the manner that represents how seriously Rotary and our Club take such responsibilities.

Peter, in his address, thanked predecessor Ben, repeated his aims for the year and gave us some good fund-raising news in looking ahead – read on.

Our Club In Safe Hands

It started Peter's garden with Immediate Past President Ben Clarke departing with a strong message (as seen and heard on video). 

"This year, it is all so different from previous years, circumstances demand that we Rotarians keep away from each other as I say this.  Hopefully, that will all change in the near future.  In Peter, we have a 61st President that we know will take us, and the Club, forward with great success;  a dedicated Rotarian and one in whom we can have complete confidence knowing  that he will be able to steer us through these very difficult and unknown times. 

That said, we should remember that the huge support you gave me during my year, must now be transferred to Peter.  If we are able to give him that help, then this year, will prove to be merely a nasty hiccup in the Club’s long history.

Ben ended by saying "It is with great pleasure Peter, that I ask you to don the Chain of Office and I am very happy to confirm that you are now the new 61st President of The Rotary Club of Billericay."

Thank You Ben And Let’s Take It From Here

New President Peter responded with his admiration for the outstanding job Ben had done in his 90th/91st year, and in the 60th Anniversary year of the Club, despite the impact of Covid-19 Ben he had born the mantle of President with good humour, and we profited from his abundant experience and above all, his desire that the Club continued to prosper. 

Peter also thanked Les Sheppard, who had again agreed to be Vice-President and also at the same time, to be secretary, two of the most onerous jobs in the Club, after serving as President himself only the previous year.

Bonus News!

Despite the loss of two fundraising events, Soapbox Derby and Summerfest, and with the Christmas Market Raffle at risk, and with social distancing preventing us gleaning the income we need to support our charitable activities, there was some good news. The Fun Walk is ON, and with the usual BONUS! 

But it will be a virtual event. Participants will walk wherever they wish in September with photographic proof needed to glean the benefits.

Three Initiatives for the New Year

How will we manage in the coming year with still less clarity due to COVID-19?  Our priorities will be based on our three initiatives are: .
1.    Membership – with our task force of Keith Wood, Mike Sinclair and Ed Harrison helping Membership Chairman, Peter Strong.
2.    Fundraising – with Ken Smith as our new technology Fundraising Leader to investigate any new opportunities for “Online Events”.
3.    Crowdfunding – with Margaret Fowler and Les Sheppard helping Malcolm Acors to progress our registration on GlobalGiving, for our Kenya Borehole well project.

Finally, new District Governor Keith Brownlie has some key mottos which are particularly relevant:

Get Rotary Noticed

Whatever we do, we must make sure we make it clear that we are part of Rotary and our Club in particular.

Make Membership Memorable

Difficult to say, maybe difficult to do, but we hope we can achieve it.

We hope for a good year!

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Out with the Old and In with the New

Membership & Social Events

back The Rotary Club of Billericay is part of the international Rotary movement of 1.2 million members and welcomes new members. It is a thriving club with an enjoyable social dimension.