2018 Basildon Handover Dinner

Club members enjoyed a terrific evening out at the Presidential Handover meal from Kevin Howard to Mike Barrett

Handover – or .. Back to the Future!

On January 4, 2018 Club members and their wives were delighted to be invited to the Rotary Club of Basildon’s “post-Christmas Party and Handover”, held at the Magic Mushroom (scene of our club's successful Charter Lunch at end of November).  We were represented by President Peter and Wendy, President-Elect Les and Val, Treasurer Michael Ginn and Sue, and Secretary Ed and Margaret.  It’s a tribute to the continuing close ties between our clubs that we had been invited along, and what a great time we all had.

Unfortunately, Community Services Chairman Keith Wood and Gill had to cancel at the last moment due to a severe bout of the Australian Flu.  Let’s hope nobody else catches it!

Over 40 people were there to celebrate the New Year, and to see President Kevin Howard hand over the presidency of the Basildon Club to Mike Barrett.  As was expected at the Magic Mushroom, the food was superb and the service excellent, and everybody enjoyed excellent meal.  Then, to end the evening, the entertainment was Mark Smith, from the Basildon branch of the Samaritans. 

Not so much a Pilgrimage, more a …

Mark had spoken to our club earlier in 2017 and had highlighted his intention to do the Pilgrimage in Northern Spain to Santiago de Compostela – the “Camino de Santiago” - to raise sponsorship funds for the Samaritans rather than as a religious pilgrimage.  This evening was his opportunity to report on his adventure which raised over £3200 for the Samaritans, including some “generous” sponsorship from Billericay Club members, and what an amusing and interesting talk it was, amply illustrated by photos of the route and the people he met.

A thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining evening out with friends and fellow Rotarians.

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A well attended evening

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