STAGS Rotary Interact Club Proudly Reflects On a Glorious Year

Vice President Munthaba Ahmed reflects on the past year

On Wednesday 18th October Mrs Chapman warmly welcomed all the parents, Staff and Rotarians to the second STAGS Rotary Interact AGM held in the main hall.  At the beginning of the evening Rotary members made a presentation to show the recent activities of the club and to highlight their fund raising success.  Members of the audience were most impressed by the fact that the club had raised in excess of £3,000 over the last 12 months.  This year’s beneficiaries included:  Three international charities: Red Rubber Ball, Action Aid and Unicef school-in-a-box, three local charities: PHAB, Open Door and Keech Hospice and the Rotary charity fighting to eradicate polio, as well as a huge contribution to the STAGS Dance Studio for school.  Much needed funds were raised by running many varied and fun events/activities such as: selling cookies, cakes, Easter eggs, tea and scones, holding discos and movie nights, auctioning Wallace and Gromit statues, collecting shoeboxes, designing Christmas cards, organising a winter fair stall and running a Polio campaign  and so much more!

During the AGM Vice President  year 11 Munthaha Ahmed gave an inspiring talk during which she reflected back over the last twelve months of being a Rotarian. She was happy to share her poignant thoughts and memories with the audience who were eager to listen to her learning journey. She said ‘However, although a shared ambition for the club, it is not ALL about raising us much money as possible for charity. I speak on behalf of the rest of the club when I say that Interact Club has taught us many invaluable skills that we may not have otherwise had the opportunity to develop. For example, taking on responsibility, leadership, working as a member of team, time management, forward planning, dealing with money and project management skills. We learn these when we organise events, and efficiently pull everything together’.

"Personally, Interact club has really boosted my confidence as I can now talk in front of large groups of people without any problem and I can also confidently speak to contacts outside of school. The club has become a community bringing girls together from all year groups with a shared interest and we have made great memories over the past 12 months. For example, the hours spent in rooms filled with cellophane, ribbons and all things shiny wrapping our cookies and Easter eggs and also helping at the fabulous fireworks display in Verulam Park’. She went on to say ‘Together we’ve had a very successful year and have had a great time whilst we were at it. A recognition of our success is the recent award of the Herts Advertiser Charity Champions Award, of which we are extremely proud, and the Rotary International Citation we received for our charitable work"

"Stags community would like to thank Rotary President Aaliyah Jalil in year 11, the Interact members and all their families for their continual support. We also formally acknowledge the dedication and constant commitment that comes from Rotary Youth mentors Lavinia Hale, Ken Scott and STAGS Maths Teacher Mrs Rock who give so generously of their own time to make sure everything is a great success throughout the year."

"We look forward to another successful 12 months working with an ever growing number of members who wish to be part of the fantastic STAGS Rotary Interact club experience. Well done Ladies!"

If you would like to become a new member of STAGS Rotary Club please contact Mrs Rock.

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