Bucks Young Carers join Risborough Seniors to visit Panto with Rotary

Bucks Young Carers join Risborough Seniors to visit Panto with Rotary


12 young people from Bucks Young Carers joined 70 elderly Princes Risborough residents on 30 November for the Princes Risborough Rotary Club's annual pantomime visit to West Wycombe. This event was originally set up to give the elderly an entertaining evening out in the pre Christmas period but was this year extended to Bucks Young Carers, with whom the Rotary Club has been working for several years in a number of ways, including providing transport to and from their various activities and organising a range of social events, such as a Christmas Party and a sailing day.


"Cinderella" was performed by the Masque Players and the Rotary Club funded the evening and as usual transported the audience members from and back to Aylesbury and Princes Risborough. The pantomime was enthusiastically received by both young and old, with much audience participation and interaction, particularly from the Young Carers, and one of the older guests commented that "I have been to many pantomimes at top theatres but tonight was worth 20 times any of these". Event organiser Al Bowyer added that "The Masque Players were truly superb and the buzz and atmosphere in the hall was just about perfect". 

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