This was a fascinating talk and everyone learned something, whether about the Community First Responders ( CFR) role, about the equipment used by the CFR's, about the use of a defribrillator or about the role of the ambulance service in our area. The equipment is largely purchased by the individual CFR's, with the support of the charity, and photos show some of what is used. Only the oxygen cylinder and the bag is supplied by the Ambulance service so a lot of fundraising is needed to keep the CFR's on the road and fully equipped. Ian explained what the CFR's do, how they can often be on the scene before the ambulance, how they fit this volunteering role into their lives and so on. We were also shown how to use any defibrillator that one can access from village halls and other venues across the region. Very simple steps as shown in the photos - open, place pads on body, wait til machine tells you what to do next, stand back if patient needs to be shocked then wait before giving 30 chest compressions followed by two breaths. And keep going, following the instructions given as necessary by the machine. Fascinating and educational and at the end of the talk we gave a donation to support the charities life saving work.....job well done!
back We are keen to support local community based charities in whatever way we can.