Handover Dinner June 2015

The club's annual Handover Dinner was held on Monday 22nd June at the Rocks

This year Dunbar Rotary Club elected Judy Greenwood to be the 52nd President since the club was formed in 1964.

At the Handover Dinner on 22nd June, held at the Rocks, incoming President Judy said:
I am highly honoured to take over the role of president of Dunbar Rotary Club and I am proud to be the 3rd woman president.
I would like to begin by congratulating Thelma on her excellent year in office. She will be a hard act to follow. Her dedication and involvement in almost every Rotary event this year has been exemplary.  I am happy to present her with her Past President’s medal.
I also congratulate her on receiving a well-deserved Citizens Award from the Community Council.

I am also happy to hand over the President Elect insignia to Bob McKinnon. I have every confidence that he will make an excellent president next year and will provide helpful support to me this year. I wish him the best of luck.

Dunbar Rotary is a wonderful patchwork of differing personalities, backgrounds and skills, all of which contribute to the whole. As well as our hard-working Secretary and Treasurer, we have a strong series of committees - Foundation, Community, Youth, International, Sports and Social, Membership, PR and IT.  By working together, we keep the show on the road and raise money for charitable use, while at the same time, enjoying comradeship and a good meal every Monday.
And our partners – the powers behind the throne, not only keep our members happy, but often contribute to many of our fund-raising events for  which we are most grateful. And social events such as this would not be the same without you.
As I take on my responsibilities as president I am reassured by the fact that we have no fewer than 5 past presidents among our Honorary members and a staggering 10 past presidents amongst our current members - Brian, Peter, Richard, Gordon, Elaine, Robin, Alan, Thelma as well as Rob and Andrew who were past presidents at Galashiels.
We are also lucky to have Elaine, not only a past president but current Assistant District Governor. She gives us special access to what is happening in District 1020 and has already provided me with invaluable advice and information. I will rely on her to keep me within the parameters of Rotary Protocol from which I am wont to stray.
I very much look forward to being the president of Dunbar Rotary Club and I thank you for your trust in me.  I shall try to carry out my duties to the best of my ability, proud to be given the honour of carrying out this role for the coming year.

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