News for Clubs 15th June 2014

News for Clubs 15th June 2014

In this issue
1.  Protection, Equality & Diversity and Health & Safety Compliance: 2014-2015 

In order to take advantage of the Rotary GB&I Insurance cover for club activities it is essential that clubs adopt the policies expressed by Rotary GB&I.

In order to facilitate this, there are proforma copies of the three documents on the District website here.
Secretaries for the Rotary year 2014-15 are requested to print these off and make arrangements for the incoming Presidents to sign and date each one.

It is not necessary for copies to be sent to the District Secretary, however, the signed originals should be retained by the Club Secretary. An acknowledgement email confirming this to have been completed should be sent to myself. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly.

Phill Ratcliffe
H&S Adviser
Assistant District Secretary, 2014-15
Email : Phill Ratcliffe

2.  District Newsletter July 2014 copy deadline : 26th June 2014
The first issue of  the bi-monthly online District Newsletter will appear in July 2014. It will contain much of the news and information that previously appeared in the District magazine but in a new condensed style. 

Contents will include: 
  • DG

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