Indoor Crazy Golf

Indoor Crazy Golf at Putters Mini Golf Bar, Trowbridge.

Always keen to support local business and to try new experiences, when we heard that a new indoor crazy golf venue, Putters Mini Golf Bar, had just opened up in Trowbridge, we had to try it out.

On Monday 12th August, 13 of us formed into groups of three or four and armed with putters, balls and score sheets, took on the challenge of completing the 18-hole course in as few shots as possible. The course rules wisely limited the number of shots per person at each hole to 8 or some of us would still be there now, but it was also possible to achieve a hole in one, a feat that Ian managed three times! However consistency wins the day and our lowest scorer  (ie winner) of the evening was Trev, with an impressive score of just 58 which put his name on the overall leader board! Caroline came in at second place with a score of 64, followed by Ian at 67. The highest score was 94 but to spare their blushes, that person shall remain nameless!

With a licensed bar and seating areas provided, it was a fun way to spend a very sociable evening.

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Activities and Fund Raising

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