News for Clubs, 11th August 2013

News for Clubs, 11th August 2013

In this issue
 1. Endorsement of District Equality and Diversity, Health and Safety and Protection Policies

Thank you to those clubs that have confirmed they have endorsed the following District policies:
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Health and Safety
  • Protection
It is a requirement that District has a written statement each year from every club signed by the President stating formally that they have adopted these policies.

Please would those clubs still do so complete the declaration and return it to me as soon as possible.

Information on these policies can be found on the District Policies pages of the District website

Olive Geddes
District Secretary
Email: Olive Geddes

2. District Insurance web pages now updated

The web page describing the current Rotary Insurance arrangements can be found on the District website under District Policies : Insurance 2013/14

Please read the item 'Rotary GB&I Insurance Brokers 2013' and the document describing 'Terms and conditions' as it is essential that you are adequately covered for your event.

Should you require any further guidance, please let me know.

Phill Ratcliffe
District Health and Safety Adviser
Email: Phill Ratcliffe


3. Opportunity to make 'Joined up Rotary' real


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