Rotary Club of Carluke

Mon, Aug 5th 2013 at 12:00 am -

The official Presentation of the "Queens Award for Voluntary Service"

The Rotary Club of Carluke is pleased to be the first and only Rotary Club to be awarded with The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for volunteer groups and tonight we are officially presented with a framed certificate signed by Her Majesty The Queen and an engraved domed glass crystal.

The official presentation to the Club was made by The Lord Lieutenant for Lanarkshire Mushtaq Ahmad OBE on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen. The Lord Lieutenant was accompanied by his Deputy Lord Lieutenant John McKenzie .

Also present at the award ceremony were our Award Sponsors Aileen Campbell MSP, Councillor Pat Lee and Ex Councillor Ian Gray to whom we are very gratefull for nominating us.

We were fortunate  that we had with us many former Rotarian members from previous years as well as our Founder President Dr Eric Patterson PHF.

View the Certificate and citation here

"The Rotary Club of Carluke Working within the local community with a wide range of services and charity donations while promoting Service Above Self and Peace Through Service". 

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