District and Area Membership Plans

You work so hard to get new members. Look after them to keep them.

The Rotary Mentor

It's all about Attention to Retention.

It is very easy in a Rotary to leave the back door open. If no one is watching that door and gauging whether there are members who do not feel valued by or engaged with your club then those members will leave. 

New members NEED support to ensure they become really involved and enjoy all aspects of Rotary life.

Does your club provide each new members with a mentor?

Someone who will guide, support and help them to understand more about Rotary and gradually become fully integrated members.

The role of a mentor in Rotary is a crucial one; a trained, committed mentor can turn a new member into a Rotarian by unlocking their potential. The new member will find their Rotary experience rewarding and fulfilling which will excede their original expectations.

If you want to know more about mentoring in Rotary please contact District 1100 Membership Chair Drewe Lacey who has access to some great material which will help you.

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Rotary Membership
