General Meeting

Thu, Dec 14th 2023 at 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Our normal weekly meeting


Breakfast Meeting 07.30am for 08.00am Thursday 14th December 2023 @ The Plough

Present:               Andrew B, Andrew M, Chris, Dave C, David M, Elaine, Godfrey, Ian, Jean, Kathryn, Maureen, Margaret, Nick, Pat, Paul, Pippa, Robert, Spyros, Sue.

Apologies:           David K, Gerry, Hilary, Lesley, Myfanwy, Marian, Pete, Reggie, Trevor, David B.

Guest:                  Fiona Stephens

Grace:                   Paul



Fund Raising:     Pat said a thank you to everyone who volunteered for the Xmas collection last Sunday evening.  She felt the amount we collected, both food and money was slightly down on last year, but not by too much.  Having a car stationed at the car park (for anyone who wasn't on our route to bring us stuff) didn't turn out to be worthwhile.  The only other cars who turned up were two who appeared to be engaged in a dodgy drug deal!  Godfrey thought the idea of splitting the route up into two halves (so volunteers didn't have to walk the whole route if they didn't want to) worked well, 'though he acknowledged that the second half was probably longer than the first.  One remaining questions is - where are our Christmas banners?  Can all members please look in their sheds and garages?

                                David M reported that he had been round all of the three local branches of MacDonalds which took part in a food and cash collection.  The Sturry restaurant collected £100 in cash; the others not much.  None of them collected very much in terms of food donations.  McD's is probably not a venue where customers are thinking about food donations.  David added that he took the clothes which were donated to Catching Lives.  Sue said the latter are desperately short of duvets and sleeping bags.

                                David M confirmed that he has received thank you letters from the Food Bank (previously circulated).  Godfrey mentioned that he has also received a thank you letter from a food collection point.

                                A propos food banks, Dave C said he has come across a charity he had never heard of before - the Book Trust.  They donate books and toys to children whose parents visit food banks.

                                Pat said the food hampers which were made up to go to Red Zebra didn't go to the latter.  They had too many staff away sick to be able to deal with them.  Andrew & Jean dealt with them.

Social:                   Pat reminded members that it is the Christmas meal tonight at the Golf Club.  In response to a question, Pat said it should finish by 10.30pm.  Pat said that Kathy's Kevin is about to drive an ambulance to Ukraine.  Kevin wants donations to fill it up.  Pat asked if the club would also donate £250 to go with this?  Kevin will be at the meal tonight, so Pat or Kathy will find out more details about the trip.

Upcoming Events / Diary Dates:                 Pat asked members to please note the following:

                                Next week, Thursday 21st December is the last meeting before Christmas.  Christmas jumpers everyone, please.  There will be nomeeting on Thursday 28th December orThursday 4th January.  The latter will be a free day for committee chairs to meet with or communicate with their respective committees about plans for early 2024.  The committee chairs can then report back at the Bard Meeting on Tuesday 9th January 2024. 

                                The first breakfast meeting of 2024 will be on Thursday 11th January.

International:    Andrew B asked (in a small voice) if Pat had forgotten about International?  He then reported that he had picked up a lawnmower and two chainsaws on behalf of TWAM.  Andrew added that Pippa and Spyros will host a meeting of the International committee, but not until later in January.

Car Parking:        Paul confirmed that the last car parking of 2023 will be on 30th December.  He appears to have enough volunteers for the day.

Any Other Business:        None forthcoming

Raffle:                   Won by David M

Master-at-Arms:              Nick said that (for reasons which are not clear) today is International Monkey Day.  On this day in 1911, Amundsen became the first man to reach the south pole.

Final Toast:         Given by Pat.  The meeting congratulated Pat, who has retired as a driving instructor.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our GDP policy covering our Club and Rotary Club of Chestfield Trust Fund, Charity activities


International Committee


Community & Vocational Committee


Social Committee


Club Protection and Health and Safety


Club President Elect and Membership Officer


Fund Raising Committee


Rotary Foundation - our International Charity


Our Club President for 2013/14


Our Secretary helps keep the Club in line!


Club Treasure - looks after Club and Charity funds raised by the Club


This is where we interact with younger members of our Community.
