Aycliffe Scouts receive donation from Aycliffe Rotary

Mon, May 10th 2021 at 9:09 am - 11:09 am

Rotary Newton Aycliffe has recently presented Acle Scouts with a donation to help them cope with the effects of lockdown on their fundraising etc


Rotary Newton Aycliffe has recently presented Acle Scouts with a donation to help them cope with the effects of lockdown on their fundraising etc. Acle Scout Troop Leader, Margaret Lenahan sent us the following report.
Firstly, a great big thank you for your support. I thought I would tell you a little about Acle. In February and March 2020, Acle Scout Group brought together not only its members, but also the extended families, and we hosted gang shows and family camps. At that time, we had more than 100 members then Covid appeared. The leaders and families were brilliant, we all adapted and Acle continued by meeting on Zoom every week with 5 sessions a week.

We soon realised not everyone could handle being on Zoom, so we adapted again and created Colour Wars which gave opportunities for families to do fun creative and physical activities whilst sharing the results on What’s App. We carried on delivering this activity up until November then along came Jingle games. We involved the whole community just at a time when we were heading into the 2nd Lockdown.

After Christmas attendees on Zoom dropped, so when we announced that we were going back to face-to-face scouting and the requests to attend came in, we were delighted to see we had 90 people still keen to be involved. However, without fundraising opportunities and subs not being paid we have seen our finances rapidly disappear on running costs which is why we are so thankful to have Rotary Newton Aycliffe step in. The donation enables us to continue to offer scouting in our community which we believe is so important for our young people.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary was able to assist Great Aycliffe Cancer Care Group with the provision of a card reader for their newly opened hub.


Rotary Newton Aycliffe recently hosted a visit from volunteers of ManHealth.


At last, Rotary Newton Aycliffe’s very own group of Rotakids have been able to meet and discuss their plans for the future


During 2022, with the help of our County Councillors and funding from the Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership - GAMP, Rotary Newton Aycliffe bought a trailer, and it was a natural progression to then make the decision to have a new Santa Sleigh.


A couple of months ago, Bernard Borsberry visited Rotary Newton Aycliffe to speak about his recent trip away and how he became interested in supporting youth football in a distant land.


ay, our President David Hogg visited Five Acres Community Garden and presented Manager, Charlote Iceton with a cheque towards their 'Fund a Fence' project.


This collage of photographs illustrate more graphically some of the things we have done and continue to do each year.


MRI Scanner Appeal and Unwanted mobile Phones for Polio Eradication
