Speaker Meeting Ayesha Begum - Social Mobility Foundation

Thu, Jan 10th 2019 at 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Speaker Meeting - Ayesha Begum - Social Mobility Foundation

Speaker: Ayesha Begum 
Senior Mentoring Coordinator

Ayesha graduated from Queen Mary University of London in 2012 with a degree in Biology and Psychology. She was the first person in her family to go university. She then went on to compete a Graduate Diploma in Child Development. Whilst at university she worked for a children’s charity called ReachOut UK. For several years, Ayesha was responsible for a team dedicated to providing mentoring and soft skills sessions with disadvantaged children covering several London boroughs. In 2014, Ayesha worked with Explore Learning, responsible for providing tailored support to children between the ages of 4 and 14. 

At the SMF, Ayesha has oversight of the mentoring programme across the UK and is responsible for the development of the programme nationally to ensure both mentors and mentees gain the best support during their mentoring relationships.
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