Young Musician 2018

It was another fantastic final held at the Performing Arts Centre, Soham Village College. Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 competed following earlier elimination rounds at schools in the catchment area of the college.
Jake Stearne taking the overall winner place.


This years adjudicator, Matthew Rudd (centre picture), had a tough but enjoyable job of assessing this year's finalists.

After many excellent performances, the winners were as follows

Key Stage 2

1st Place - Sean Telford : 2nd Place  - Sophie Sadler : 3rd Place - Anya Perry

Key Stage 3

Young Voice of the Year - Ruth Leonard : Runner Up Voice - Zak Potts

Young Insturmentalist of the Year - Lauren Peck : Runner Up - George Emms
    Key Stage 4

    Young Voice of the Year - Sapphire Locke : Runner Up Voice - Phillida Hickish

    Young Instrumentalist - Tom Kay

      Overall Winner - Jake Stearne ( pictured)

      Presented by Immediate Past President - Bill Rind (pictured)

      The Stephen Kenna Award - Katie Kirkpatrick ( pictured)

      Presented by Stephen Kenna's son ( pictured right)


      Related pages...

      Walking in Your Shoes presentation - 3rd July

      more Pres. Stuart handed £255 to Mike Donahugh. Mike received the amount for the local Dementia charity, Walking in Your Shoes. The money had been raised as Past Pres Steve's nominated Charter Charity. Mike was very appreciative of the support.

      Presentation Evening - 28th Feb

      more We were joined by Emma Sanders from MAGPAS when the money collected in our annual Christmas collections was handed over - Our running total of support now stands at over £33,000. Guests and volunteers joined members. President Steve handed over the cheque

      Kitty Hawk Rotary Clubs - Golf Tournament

      more Soham Rotary through its connections with Hon member Trevor Cole, have provided a hole sponsorship for their Fall Golf Classic Tournament

      Speaker Meeting - 4th October

      more Bill's speaker will be Carol Sennet who will be talking about the Monday Club and their forthcoming November garden centre visit. Carol will be accompanied by her husband. Guests most welcome.

      Pumpkin Fair 2022

      more Well done to everyone who helped and contributed - £371.40 raised by the No Lose stall on the day. Club thanks to Steve Kear for pulling it together. Looking good Bill

      Club Meeting - 1st Feb

      more We look forward to welcoming Alex and Natasha from Fordham Rainbow's and hearing all about their organisation and their plans for the year ahead.

      Successful CPR Training Evening

      more Soham Rotary Club facilitated this free public training session in conjunction with Magpas Air Ambulance - around 30 individuals attended and experienced first hand tuition on CPR techniques and use of a defibrillator .

      FREE CPR Training Session - Thursday 26th April

      more Rotary is facilitating a CPR training session in conjunction with Magpas Air Ambulance staff - details are as displayed - please encourage support - this will save lives. Press Details link for event details.

      President Neil with Emma Sanders

      Magpas Air Ambulance Presentation

      more £2000 raised for Magpas Air Ambulance. President Neil was on hand to present Emma Sanders, the Magpas Air Ambulance representative, with the money raised during Rotary's local Christmas collections. A huge thanks to everyone who contributed.

      2021 Collection Results - Ahead of last Year !!

      more Christmas collection for Magpas Helixmedics Charity - Still awaiting the final count from our card readers but the bucket collections are over £300 ahead of last year - Well done everyone - Happy Christmas

      Ready to go

      2021 Christmas Tree

      more Members have sourced this years tree for Soham High Street - many thanks to the Highways Agency and Murfitts Construction for their assistance -

      Christmas High Street Collections

      more Rotary will start collecting for their annual Magpas charity support - each Saturday in December will have members collecting outside Asda and the Fordham and Soham Coop - Christmas Eve will also add Scampers to the sites being covered.


      MAGPAS Presentation Evening - 24th Feb

      more Members will be joined by Emma Sanders of Magpas. We will be hading over the funds raised during our recent Christmas collections. Emma will share a video about the charity with us.

      2020 Duck Race - £505 raised

      more Our virtual Duck Race took place on Sunday 13th September - Congratulations to Neil for organising the event and for Ava Paice from Pos+Ability for helping with the draw

      School Uniform Scheme benefits

      more Soham Rotary has supported this great initiative from the start and is delighted to offer another £250 in advance of the school term to assist with providing school uniform packages.


      Foodbank Support during Covid-19 pandemic

      more £1000 has been donated by Soham Rotary to this local organisation to help fund during this difficult and uncertain time. £500 given in March was topped up with a £500 June donation. We know the Foodbank is appreciative of the assistance.

      Triple benefit

      Presentation Night. March 2020

      more It was the Club's pleasure to hand over monies raised during the Christmas street collections and Ely fireworks last November.


      2019 Christmas Collections

      more A huge thanks to everyone involved in supporting this year's charity collections in aid of Magpas. Just over £2000 were raised and we look forward to presenting the Charity with the money soon.

      Burwell Day Care

      Burwell Day Care Centre receive £439

      more Following our 2019 Charter Night whisky raffle, the £439 proceeds were presented by Immediate Past President Barry Lonsdale to his nominated charity, Burwell Day Care Centre. The donation was much appreciated by members of the centre

      Happy Faces

      Magpas Presentation - 2019

      more A cheque for £2086.30 was presented to Magpas Representative Helen MnMenamin-Smith by President Barry Lonsdale. The money was raised during the Christmas street collections.

      Final Numbers

      2018 Christmas Collections during December

      more Once again the Club is pleased to be supporting Magpas Air Ambulance during the collections which will be occurring throughout December - We raised £1932, thanks to everyone for their generous support. Progress to date - see details.

      12th November 2017 Remembrance Day Parade

      more Rotary members will be joining the local community on remembrance day and add their wreath to the war memorial

      Suns Up

      2018 Pumpin Fair

      more Many thanks to everyone who donated and helped on Saturday at the Pumpkin Fair. The stall made £162.50 which our community committee will be grateful for to assist forthcoming projects

      Pumpkin Fair

      2018 Pumpkin Fair

      more Rotary will be supporting the local Pumpkin Fair on Saturday 29th September with a "NO Lose" stall. Prizes to Alan ASAP please

      Book ends

      Burwell at Large -17th & 18th March 2018

      more Soham Club were represented by Iain & Geoff as part of Burwell's open event at the Burwell Village College

      Bill with Helen and John

      2018 Magpas Presentation

      more President Bill and Club members welcomed Helen & John McMenamin Smith to the Club to accept a cheque for over £2500 raised over the December Christmas period in aid of Magpas Air Ambulance.


      Christmas Collections in aid of Magpas/Helimedix have started

      more On the 2nd, 9th 16th and 23rd December Rotarians are out at various locations in the Soham and Fordham area - please give generously.

      Nice one!

      Magpas Presentation 2017

      more £2240.53 raised this year. Well done to everyone who collected and contributed.

      Well done everyone !!

      Magpas Presentation 2016

      more Emma Sanders and James Holden collect cheque for £2536.69 following this year's Christmas street collections.

      Click on this title and scroll pictures for money raised so far

      Christmas Street Collection in aid of Magpas/Helimedix 2016

      more Collections have begun - taking place on the 10th Dec, 17th Dec and 24th Dec. Where? - Soham Coop, Asda, Fordham Coop, Scampers and Scotsdale Garden Centre Fordham. Please give generously to this great Charity.

      Stuart receives cheque for oximeter

      Wicken First Responders benefit

      more Essential piece of equipment can now be purchased.

      President Bruce - front and centre

      Collections raise over £2500

      more This years collections were again in aid of Magpas Helimedix. After 3 Saturdays and Christmas Eve with the weather being unusually mild and often inclement - support for our collections have been very well supported - thank you everyone!!

      A Happy bunch

      Christmas Tree for 2015

      more Another successful High Street erection!

      Waves of support

      Soham Carnival 2016

      more The Club took place in the Carnival procession by presenting a Rotary float with the theme " Rotary and Peace the world over"

      Christmas Tree for 2016

      more That time of year again !!

      Cheque presentation

      Magpas Presentation 2015

      more Christmas street collection money, �2585.91, handed over to Magpas Fundraiser, Emma Sanders.


      2015 Remembrance Day Parade

      more President Bruce attended this year's Remembrance Day Parade and laid a wreath on behalf of the Club.

      UP IT GOES

      Christmas Tree for 2014

      more The Club was putting up the town's Christmas Tree in Soham High Street today.

      Helimedi - Magpas

      2014 Christmas Collection in aid of Helimedi (Magpas)

      more The Club members will be out at various locations around Soham collecting once more in aid of the Air Ambulance operated through Magpas.

      President Alan places the Club's wreath

      2014 Remembrance Parade

      more The annual Soham Remembrance Parade took place today in Soham High Street. Wreath laying around the town's war memorial also was performed as part of the Parade.

      RAF Wyton

      Presentation Event - RAF Wyton

      more A visit to RAF Wyton is to be planned - during the visit which will have to be restricted to 15 people - the money raised during this years' street collection will be presented

      Charles Warner and Rosemary Aitchison with President Trevor

      Heritage Trust talk

      more Rosemary Aitchison and Charles Warner joined the Club meeting this week to talk to the Club about the work that they are involved with in Community projects.

      Commemoration on Rec

      WW1 Commemoration

      more Club members donned their distinctive red polo shirt to man the beer and refreshments stall at the town's WW1 Commemoration event. Rtn Geoff Fisher also was involved in the ceremony to recognise those who had fallen during the conflict.


      Halloween Evening - Wicken Green 31st Oct 2014

      more Wicken Green will be place where a Halloween evening will be staged. It will be form 5.30pm until 8pm. More details to follow

      RollUp Rollup !!

      Pumpkin Fair 2014

      more Rotary will be hosting a"everyone a winner stall at this year's Pumpkin Fair on Saturday 27th September on the Recreational Ground in Soham - We look forward to seeing you there - Event opens from 1.30pm onwards

      Braving the inclement weather

      2014 Church Fete

      more The Club joined other at this years St Andrew's Church Fete - their infamous "No Lose" stall appealed to both children and adults. Well done to Rtn Stuart and his team for organising this

      Concert Details

      2013 Carol Concert - Wed. 18th Dec.

      more The Rotary Club is seeking as much local support as possible for their Carol Concert in St Andrew's Church. Wednesday 18th December. A selection of lively Carols interspersed with Fun and Inspiring Christmas readings - Drinks & mince pies at interval

      Up at last !!!

      Christmas Tree for 2013

      more The Rotary Club's efforts to again source and erect the Christmas Tree in Soham High Street came to fruition on Sunday morning. A fine specimen it is too.

      A great cause

      Street Christmas Collection - 2013

      more That time of year again!! Over the next few weeks, The Soham Rotary Club members will be collecting on behalf of MAGPAS as the main charity for their Christmas Street Collection 2013.

      Up at last !!!

      Christmas Tree - Annual Erection : 2013

      more The High Street Christmas tree is now in place

      Rotary Club Wreath

      2013 Remembrance Parade

      more Rotary will be attending the local Remembrance parade at 2.30pm - 2.15pm assemble in Sand Street followed by the parade to the War Memorial.

      Soham Pumpkin Fair

      2013 Pumpkin Fair

      more Rotary will have a "no Lose" stall at this years Pumpkin Fair

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      Community Support

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