'The House of Lords', Earl Home

Wed, Mar 23rd 2016 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


An eloquent, irreverent and informative analysis of the House of Lords by Lord Home had our members both convulsed with laughter and pondering democratic political reform in the 21st century. He expressed his support in principal for the second chamber in order to hold the government of the day to account but had many reservations as to the numbers and composition in the current House of Lords.
Elected in 1999 as one of the one hundred life peers when numbers were reduced from 1000 to 100, he is firmly of the opinion that as non-fulltime politicians he and his fellow peers bring a wider view of proposed legislation to the chamber than many current career politicians. He expressed admiration for the breadth and depth of professional experience within the House of Lords, and in particular those members who speak on medical matters. He speculated on the many proposals to reform the House of Lords – an 80% elected/ 20% appointed split, a 50% elected/ 50% appointed split, a 100% elected chamber and  other proposed formulae. What will happen ?  “ Probably nothing  in the next 100 years as no one can agree !” was Lord Home’s view.
The dry humour and wit he has observed over many years in the Lords was shared with some very amusing anecdotes. Tears of laughter were wiped from some members’ eyes as he recalled speeches being read twice because the speaker had been given two printed copies and none of their Lordships noticing as they were either asleep or couldn’t hear!  He described the effect on Members of 25 mobile phones going off at the same time in the library when a vote was called and recalled a speaker who had dropped his notes and having picked them up enquired of their Lordships if they could tell him if he had “already read this page?” Their Lordships were unable to help as none had been listening!            
“The public have a very low opinion of politicians and bankers – I’m afraid I’m both!” was Lord Home’s description of himself.
He was thanked for a very stimulating and amusing talk by Roger Thom on behalf of the Club.

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