Cancer Research UK - Claire Wase

Thu, Jul 17th 2014 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am


Claire is the Events Manager covering the north of England and up into Scotland.  As such she is responsible for a major part of the fund-raising efforts for this important organisation.

After telling us something of the work of Cancer Research UK (see their website), Claire went on to describe some of the events she organises - Race for Life in particular - and their latest idea - Pretty Muddy a 5K muddy obstacle course where the strap-line is "Cancer plays dirty, but so can we".

We applauded the originality of these events which raise well over

'What We Do' Main Pages:

This committee conducts all the Club’s administrative activities and provides the framework that enables the Club to function effectively whilst promoting fellowship.


The main aim of this committee is to plan and carry out educational, humanitarian, vocational and youth projects that address the needs of the local community. [now includes fundraising]


The main aim of this committee is to develop and implement educational, humanitarian, vocational and youth projects that address the needs of communities in other countries.


The main aim of this committee is to develop and implement a strategic plan for fund-raising with the overarching aim that fund-raising should promote fellowship and community service


We enter the club's centenary year with a display in the Clayport Library
