7.30 pm Dinner - 86th Charter Anniversary Dinner

Thu, Nov 6th 2014 at 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm

86th Anniversary Charter Dinner
7.00 pm for 7.30 Dinner
Hollins Hey Hotel
New Brighton

Cost £29
Spouses/Partners welcome

Capt John Hutchinson

Many Rotarians will recall John's previous visit to the club when he told us the 'inside story' of the Concorde Paris Air Crash.  In this welcome return he will be telling us more about his years as an Airline Pilot.

From his birth in India, in the final decade of British rule, to the present day, his story is the tale of an exciting and, on occasions, precarious life, with dangerous and near death experiences.  A highly respected and much loved man, John Hutchinson never considered being anything but a pilot and, during his long career has flown over 70 aircraft types, the ultimate being the world's only supersonic airliner.  He has been described by more than one of his colleagues as being 'a great airman'.

Following his retirement from British Airways, John has become a respected broadcaster and aviation consultant and is now much sought after as a public speaker.


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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Co-ordinates the internal and external communications functions such as press relations, Club Handbook, Monthly Bulletin and the website.


Service to the community requires Rotarians to devote their time, energy and professional skill to particular projects. Although funds are often raised for charity this is not a Rotary Club's first aim. The emphasis is on personal service.


International Service promotes worldwide goodwill; organising projects such as Aqua Boxes, Shelter Boxes and 'Shoe Boxes' sent to disaster sites throughout the world.


Formerly known as 'New Generations' or 'Youth Opportunities', this Committee continues to work in Primary, Secondary and Special Schools to help pupils and students to make the most of their potential.


1. Maintains the day-to-day administration of the Club Website from information supplied. 2. Maintains the Club's information on the Rotary International 'Global Database' and the DMS (Database Management System).
