'Cash for Kids', Ian Robertson, Cash for Kids Radio Forth

Wed, Jul 18th 2012 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Also visiting us for this meeting - Ann Marie Miller, Regional Charity Manager, Cash for Kids Scotland

President Mike Rowe introduced our speaker Ian Robertson from "Cash for Kids" the charity of Radio Forth. Primarily "Cash for Kids" raises funds to provide a helping hand for deprived children in the Radio Forth broadcast area (Edinburgh, Lothians and Fife).

It is estimated that one in four kids in the area live in poverty. A considerable amount of the funds provide Christmas presents and other treats for kids in poverty and assistance for autistic and disabled children. Their biggest donation was an artificial hand to a child who had been born without a right hand.

The charity also provides beds, bedding, new clothes and shoes in hardship cases. Their  fund raising target for this year is

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